Full STEEM ahead – STEEM business is Your Business and My Business

Its been a few days now since @neds announcement and I haven’t really said to much on the topic.  To be honest I needed time to process the information and now that I have, well for me, its full STEEM ahead.


Okay here’s how I see it.  Steemit Inc need to focus.  They don’t want to be a Marketing Company, they don’t want to be a social media company, they want to be a blockchain development company.  It’s seems to me that with the bull market they got caught up in all the excitement, and even let themselves suffer from Shiny New Object Syndrome.  If you know Shiny New Object Syndrome like I do, they you know that its saps a lot of time and energy chasing and learning about something new, only to realize after a lot of wasted time really if you stuck to what you know and what you were doing, you would be much further ahead.

I bet many of you reading this now also got up in the excitement of the bull market, and I bet many of you also made mistakes because of it, right?

So now business decisions have been made by Steemit Inc, and for the community and investors of STEEM, these are good decisions.  Heck they could have just powered down everything, flooded the market with STEEM and walked away.  But they didn’t.

There is a lot that STEEM needs besides awesome developers, and I have read many posts and comments both positive and negative on the topics.  STEEM needs Business Operations, Marketing, Business Intelligence, all the things that go along with a business.  But its not steemit incs business.  Its OUR business.  And its in our control.  We have many awesome leaders here with the business skills to help take STEEM to the next level while Steemit inc focus on blockchain development.  What we need to do next gather these leaders and just get the ball rolling.

I previously set up a ‘department’ community here on steem.  #blockchainbi analysing the STEEM blockchain data.  For a while it was running awesome and I even offered many of my premium selling courses for free to those wanting to learn and join the team. That’s what you do in a department right? improve skills so you can improve services.  Unfortunately, however Utopian put me out of business, I couldn’t compete with votes and both the tag and the community faded.  Lol maybe I can blame the bull market here as everyone went after the votes from Utopian, including me, and so we let this tag slip.  Like I said, steemit inc were not the only ones to make a mistake.

For me, the technical changes and requirements needed on the blockchain are not skills I can offer. But business skills, hell ya and I am happy to work with anyone that puts themselves forward to at least getting this conversation started and get the ball rolling. #blockchainbi can come back to life. Can you start a department too?

None of this drama has put me off my plans.  Being a blogger that successfully monetize content prior to STEEM, I still plan on powering my business with STEEM.  I made a post just before @neds announcement and I am sticking with the plan.  This is an awesome time to power my business with STEEM. Many of the challenges I faced in the past have been removed.


One of the challenges for me was the expectations gap, what people earned on trending and what really happens.  The expectations gap was way too much, but with the lower prices and less activity, well posts are not doing as well and its easier to see just what’s happening.  

Another challenge was steemit.com.  For me I love it, for my follower, no way.  There was no way in the world I was going to move my content to someone else’s platform and lose the trust of my existing followers and customer base.  Now I can use @steempress and keep my content on my own site, in my own control, where my followers are familiar and comfortable.   

I previously used Disqus for my comments.  Disqus required a user log in.  This week I did my first post using STEEM for my comments. The only difference now is that they will need to log in to STEEM to leave a comment (directly on my blog).  The plan is, after a few weeks of my viewers seeing this, I will do a post introducing the changes.  People don’t need to come to steemit.com, they can just stay on my blog. That’s awesome.  I don’t expect to see any new STEEM users until I make an announcement to them.

What I do know after the first post with STEEM comment enables is that one of the largest eLearning providers in the UK which I supply content to reached out to me asking what it is.  We had a rather good discussion and they will be keeping an eye on its progress.

You can check out that first post here if you wish.

The next obstacle was funding.  I really need to back my brand account @theexcelclub with some STEEM so I can reward my followers, run contests and challenges and do all the things I want to do.  Funding is still a challenge, but I do love a challenge, the price of STEEM is way down.  I am upping my game off STEEM too with my business to increase my revenue, so I can hopefully make a rather nice purchase.  I’m sorry if you don’t like me for what I’m about to say, but I need to the price of STEEM to stay low, at least for 2-3 months.  In the mean time if anyone wants to support my brand account @theexcelclub, feel free.

There are massive opportunities here on STEEM, and you don’t have to be a developer to see that.  Let’s get a conversation started on department type communities and let’s help STEEM be the decentralized platform it is meant to be.  Let Steemit Inc and @ned get on with their jobs and we can get on with ours.  This is our blockchain and I echo what @therealwolf said

We are STEEM

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