MARKETING STEEM # 2 : Steem PR : researching Crypto News Sites

From the feedback to my previous post there seems to be a general consensus that establishing a Public Relations service to promote Steem is a good idea.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read and comment on that post.

I am still working through and absorbing all the feedback but the positive response has spurred me on to make a start on establishing the Steem PR service.

The first stage is research.

I begin that research now with the crypto news world.

Crypto News Services

While the Steem PR service will eventually be targeting a broad range of press and media, the starting point will very much be the crypto news and media.

The two main crypto news services I believe are...

  • Cointelegraph
    Founded in 2013, Cointelegraph claims to be "the leading independent digital media resource covering a wide range of news on blockchain technology, crypto assets, and emerging fintech trends".
    It has 8 million users per month.

These two are very much the prime targets but there are many other smaller crypto news services where we are likely to have easier access and better success - certainly initially until we have built up our contacts and awareness of Steem.

These other sites include...

For each of these crypto news sites (and many more I am sure I will find) I will be researching the best entry points to get coverage, as well as building up a list of journalists with their interests and contact details.

Once I have got the crypto news space well covered I will expand my research to the wider press and media around the world who might be receptive to more 'human interest', less 'hard crypto' news from Steem.

How You Can Help

This initial research phase will be a big (and probably never ending) task.

There are many more crypto news sites out there.

If you know of any reputably sites that you read regularly please do put the details in a comment below. Please include the web address, and also any particular journalists you see on the sites who you think might be receptive to stories about Steem.

Developing this Steem PR service is going to be a fascinating, challenging and I hope fruitful journey for all.

I look forward to learning and sharing more.

Thank you


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