Help! Why is it so hard to recruit new active users to Steemit!

I'm banging my head against the wall here! I've finally got through to a few friends and family about steemit and got them through the account creation process, only to have them not pursue it any farther.

Months ago was my first success when I convinced my business partner Eli @ejr to make a steemit account. I spend hours with him walking him through the process, helping make his first post, navigating the platform. Heck he even has a vested interest since we're taking part in the creating the steem silver round with everyone, and we accept steem as currency on our website. I used to have to tell him exactly what was happening on the platform. Now he's starting to invest in crytocurrencies as well and I've told to come aboard here and try to get more education about everything. Not to mention most my cryptocurrency investments are coming from post payouts and money I've earned on Steemit.

Most recently I was successful in getting my cousin @jeremychalut to sign up for an account. He's been talking about blogging for longer than I've been here. He recently made huge lifestyle changes from being fat to losing like 100 lbs, experimenting with different diets, fasting, keto, paleo and now he's a vegan. He's really passionate about these things and loves sharing it with everyone. He's started meditation and he's studying frequency waves. He's got some many interests he wants to share and blog about. He made a post and a few comments but also he hasn't really started much.

(That's the photo in his first post)

My family and wife and co-workers are starting to be curious, since I've been excited about the post payouts recently, but no one is currently even considering it.

Even the other day I found out my financial advisor who's really starting to take an interest in cryptocurrencies made a steemit account and thinks steem has a promising future, but doesn't think he i's going to start blogging.


I do remember finding it hard at first, but not impossible. I've offered to hand hold all these people, walk them through everything, promote their content, help them build a following, delegate to them, help them plan their blogs and content. But nothing is helping.

I do honestly think @jeremychalut may start, but I've pretty much given up on @ejr.

What am I doing wrong?

What has worked in the past or for you guys to motivate people to get into steemit. I know @mattclark seams to have signed up almost 18 new users with his Christmas tree promotion. I'm passionate about steemit, I love the community, the people, the learning. It's been so amazing to open my eyes to the future of blockchain technology. The fact this platform and investing in cryptocurrencies could possibly help me actually achieve some financial freedom.

I want to be able to share this opportunity with people that are close to me.

I'm looking for advice and suggestions. I know it's hard to motive people, I understand that, but some like @ejr and @jeremychalut have expressed interest, their already here. How can I help them along, since nothing I'm doing so far is working. If I can help them start and show that it's works them maybe I can then finally motivate my family and other friends as well. I'm sure a few of you out there have managed to convince and help a few friends along the way.

Please leave me any advice, suggestions or tips you may have. I'd really appreciate it.

Footer by @bearone

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