Snekky meeting @sircork! Dutch meet America... BIGGest smallest Steemit meet up ever?

This is the day I met @sircork!

I am a snekky with a big mouth and when Cork ask me if we could meet up on his trip the first thing I screamed was YESSSSS! Meeting someone from Steemit, someone you talk to on chat, have a voice chat on Discord, in real life is amazing and when you live so far apart not something you can do every day! So YESSSSS! I knew he was coming for a few weeks and I have been looking forward to see him from that first moment we spoke about it!

Then today happened!

Not that I woke up screaming and in sweat but I did wake up nervous! I made myself a huge pot of coffee to calm myself down but of course, it made me jump even more! Freaking nerves giving me the shivers and I started to get crazy ideas in my already crazy head!


What if he is a killer... a killer whale perhaps! Do I need to hide knives under my pillows or maybe even buy a gun? Would you be able to strangle someone with the ropes of your shoes? All these thought popped up in my head while I stood outside, in the bloody freezing cold, mind ya! Three minutes became two and BAM... I spotted the man walking up! There was no time to escape anymore so I swallowed, shouted something like Yooohooooo I am over here! He turned aroundm our eyes met and the meeting was set!

It was marvelous to meet him and seeing I am writing this post right now, means everything went perfectly fine! Cork is a teddybear and I have to say I really enjoyed meeting him in real life! During the day a friend of mine, @lynceus joined us as well! He is the one who introduced me to Steemit in 2016!


I had a blast and it's not over yet! @sircork is taking a shower right now and will be sleeping in his amazing hotel for the night only to meet up with me again tomorrow for some more chatting and fun time!


Don't worry peeps, I took good care of the Teddybear and fed him some Dutch snacks like a Frikandel, kroket and apple pie! :D
I will be doing a longer post tomorrow or the day after with more pictures and stories! For now, I bid you good night!


Best wishes


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