Siklus Zaman STEEM - SBD Di Steemit | Cycles Of STEEM - SBD Age In Steemit


Dear steemians..

Berdasarkan harga STEEM dan SBD, sampai hari ini kita dapat membagi masa di platform Steemit menjadi 6 zaman.
Based on STEEM and SBD prices, up to now we can divide the time on the Steemit platform into 6 ages.

1. Zaman STEEM-ish I

( ~ September 2016)  
Yang dimaksud dengan zaman STEEM-ish adalah masa di mana nilai STEEM lebih tinggi dari SBD. Zaman STEEM-ish I ini adalah masa-masa paling awal mulai cairnya mata uang STEEM dan SBD di platform Steemit. Saat itu nilai STEEM mulai menemukan harga awalnya di exchange-exchange dengan nilai lebih dari 3 USD, namun terus turun hingga kurang dari 1 USD.

1. STEEM-ish I Age

( ~ September 2016)  
What is meant by the STEEM-ish age is the period in which the STEEM value is higher than SBD. In this age of STEEM-ish I, is the earliest times when STEEM and SBD currencies on the Steemit platform began to liquid. At that time the value of STEEM found its initial price in exchanges more than 3 USD, but continued falling to less than 1 USD.

2. Zaman SBD-ish I

(September 2016 ~ Juni 2017)  
Zaman SBD-ish adalah kebalikan dari STEEM-ish, yaitu zaman di mana nilai SBD lebih tinggi dari STEEM dengan nilai STEEM kurang dari 1 USD. Selepas zaman STEEM-ish I, platform Steemit memasuki zaman SBD-ish I. Di sini harga STEEM jatuh bebas sampai pernah kurang dari 0.1 USD. Sementara itu, harga SBD yang dipatok ke 1 USD menjadi penyelamat ekonomi dengan harganya yang stabil.

2. SBD-ish I Age

(September 2016 ~ June 2017)  
SBD-ish age is the opposite of STEEM-ish, where the value of SBD is higher than STEEM with STEEM value less than 1 USD. After the STEEM-ish I age, the Steemit platform entered the age of SBD-ish I. Here the STEEM price fell until it was less than 0.1 USD. Meanwhile, the price of SBD which is pegged to 1 USD became an economic savior due to its stable price.

3. Zaman STEEM-ish II

(Juni ~ Oktober 2017)  
Setelah zaman SBD-ish I yang cukup panjang, harga STEEM mulai menguat dan naik dengan pasti hingga lebih dari 2 USD. Dan platform Steemit pun kembali memasuki zaman STEEM-ish yang kedua. Walaupun nilai STEEM kembali turun tapi tetap bertahan di level lebih dari 1 USD. Sementara itu nilai SBD mulai bergerak naik ke nilai lebih dari 1 USD. Di zaman ini mekanisme SBD yang dipatok ke USD mulai broken dengan harga SBD yang terus naik.

3. STEEM-ish II Age

(June ~ October 2017)  
After a fairly long SBD-ish I age, STEEM price began to strengthen and firmly rose up to more than 2 USD. And the Steemit platform re-entered the second STEEM-ish age. Even though the STEEM value dropped again but remained at the level of more than 1 USD. Meanwhile the value of SBD began to move up to a value of more than 1 USD. In this age the mechanism of SBD which is pegged to USD started to break as the price of SBD continued to rise.

4. Zaman SBD-ish Tinggi

(Oktober 2017 ~ April 2018)  
Seiring dengan meningkatnya harga STEEM dan SBD, platform Steemit memasuki era baru di mana harga STEEM naik hingga lebih dari 6 USD dan harga SBD bahkan lebih tinggi lagi daripada STEEM. Dan Steemit pun masuk ke zaman SBD-ish Tinggi. Di zaman ini semua Steemian bergembira dan menjadi sangat aktif menulis. Sementara anggota baru mengalir masuk dengan derasnya. Dan platform Steemit terekspos ke seluruh penjuru world wide web. Ini adalah zaman keemasan Steemit.

4. High SBD-ish Age

(October 2017 ~ April 2018)  
As STEEM and SBD prices increase, the Steemit platform entered a new era where STEEM price rose to more than 6 USD and the price of SBD was even higher than STEEM. And Steemit entered the High SBD-ish age. In this age all Steemians were happy and became very active writing. While the new members flowed in swiftly. And the Steemit platform was exposed to all corners of the world wide web. This was a golden age of Steemit.

5. Zaman STEEM-ish III

(April ~ Agustus 2018)  
Setelah itu harga STEEM turun sampai ke titik terendahnya sekitar 1.3 USD, dan SBD bahkan turun lebih jauh lagi hingga kurang dari STEEM. Maka platform Steemit kembali memasuki zaman STEEM-ish yang ketiga. Harga STEEM naik lagi sampai sekitar 3.7 USD, demikian juga harga SBD ikut naik walau tidak sebesar STEEM. Namun selanjutnya harga STEEM dan SBD mulai turun kembali.

5. STEEM-ish III Age

(April ~ August 2018)  
After that, the STEEM price dropped to its lowest point of around 1.3 USD, and the SBD dropped even further to less than STEEM. Then the Steemit platform re-entered the third STEEM-ish age. STEEM price rose again to around 3.7 USD, as well as the SBD price went up even though not as high as STEEM. However, STEEM and SBD prices began to fall again.

6. Zaman SBD-ish II

(Agustus 2018 ~ sekarang)  
Harga STEEM terus turun hingga akhirnya melewati batas 1 USD. Demikian juga harga SBD ikut turun hingga akhirnya tertahan di level 1 USD berkat mekanisme SBD yang dipatok ke 1 USD. Dan platform Steemit pun kembali memasuki zaman SBD-ish II, mirip masa-masa awal Steemit di zaman dulu. Sekarang kita tepat berada di permulaan zaman SBD-ish II ini. Di sini harga SBD yang dipatok ke 1 USD akan kembali menjadi penyelamat berkat harganya yang stabil. Sementara kita tidak tahu sampai sejauh mana harga STEEM akan terus turun.

6. SBD-ish II Age

(August 2018 ~ now)  
The price of STEEM continued to fall until it finally crossed the barrier of 1 USD. Likewise, the price of SBD also fell down until finally stuck at level 1 USD thanks to the mechanism of SBD which is pegged to 1 USD. And the Steemit platform again entered the second SBD-ish age, similar to the early days of Steemit in the past. Now we are right at the beginning of this second SBD-ish age. Here the price of SBD pegged to 1 USD will again become a savior thanks to its stable price. And we don't know to what extent STEEM price will continue to fall.


Byteball tebar hadiah. Segera klaim airdrop anda!

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