@randowhale is up and running! Vote size increased! Submit your requests now!

Submit 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 or 2.0 SBD to @randowhale with a post you'd like voted on in the memo to receive a vote from @randowhale!

What is @randowhale?

@randowhale is THE OG up-vote bot on the Steem blockchain that anyone can pay to have a vote cast on a post of their choosing! 

Why did you create @randowhale?

@randowhale was created to give Steemit users the opportunity to reward a post with a larger vote than they are able to provide on their own. 

How do I use @randowhale?

  1. Ensure the post you want a vote to be placed on has not paid out and is not within 12 hours of payout as posts cannot receive votes that increase the reward during this time period 
  2. Copy the URL of the post you would like to have voted on 
  3. Navigate to your wallet 
  4. Select Transfer under Steem Dollars 
  5. Populate the To field with “randowhale” 
  6. Populate the Amount field with “0.500”, "1.000", "1.500" or "2.000" SBD (Steem is no longer accepted)
  7. Paste URL into Memo field 
  8. Submit 

Your post will now receive a vote from @randowhale!

How big of a vote will I receive?

@randowhale makes no guarantees, however, we aim to ensure the vote value is larger than the initial cost, even after curation rewards!  We’ve also got some rare, larger votes mixed in there to make things a little more fun! 

I sent a request, but my post did not receive a vote, what do I do?

  1. Wait a minimum of 10 minutes after submitting your request before proceeding 
  2. Confirm the post did not receive a vote from @randowhale, @randowhale0 or @randowhale1 by selecting the dropdown next to the number of votes the post has received 
  3. Review your wallet to ensure you were not refunded (this may happen if @randowhale is sleeping, a post that could not receive a vote was submitted, etc.) 
  4. Submit a request via Google Forms 

I got a refund…why?

  • @randowhale is sleeping 
  • You sent Steem
  • You sent an invalid amount
  • You sent an invalid link 
  • You sent a link to a post that could not receive a vote 
  • You sent a link to a comment 

Thank you all for your support!

If you have any questions, please comment below and we will update this post as needed.

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