RE: RE: @roelandp what did you do with the $3683 you made last week?
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RE: @roelandp what did you do with the $3683 you made last week?

RE: @roelandp what did you do with the $3683 you made last week?

Wow. first of I would have never thought that you would come attacking me. But here I am being attacked. Not really understanding why however. Except for a pretty short-sighted view. But on the other hand albeit you are asking and campaigning against me in a pretty rude fashion it gives me the opportunity to answer your main question.

As far as I understood you are also running for witness?

I will explain what I did with last weeks witness pay but first I want you to know that every top 20 witness gets that pay. In times when steem was 1 cent btw the pay was obviously lower.

Also: The witness pay is paid in SteemPower. I currently delegate 50% of my Steempower and plan to delegate more. So I don't see the problem so much here.

About not posting in these winter months: I specifically don't choose to post on my main account because it has many upvote bots attached because of steemfest love. I keep my account kind of reserved for that. I don't see a need to unnecessarily drain the rewards pool.

What I do for Steem as a witness:

  1. I've been initiating and organising SteemFest now for 2 years and am currently planning the next iteration. For this I have and will be travelling quite some. I leave my family at home and one would almost call this work, albeit being very rewarding socially.

SteemFest takes up a good portion of the year, I am not sure if you understand what event organising entails. You should ask my girlfriend how happy she is right after the event when she finally 'gets me back'. Last year's event entailed 5 days at 10 locations. This is not organised beforehand with a team but solely by me. Although during the event there is great help from many people for example the @firepower crew, who did a great job once again. Being a lone-organiser is done to keep prices as affordable as possible. I've put down last year about 20K - 30K in Steemfest myself. This year the first steps have been taken for the coming edition like scouting locations. Maybe I should be more visible about that but I tend to organise things under the wraps and only come out once things are set in stone to not set false expectations about events or projects that will not come to fruition.

  1. I know being a witness is a humble position and I try to do my best to serve as a decent and reliable producer. Therefore I have written and supplied several monitoring tools and they are all available on my

  2. Being a reliable witness means being serious about the core task of maintaining the blockchain and I think investing in good hardware is key. So far it has paid of paying more than just a simple VPS. When I started witnessing I immediatelly upped the game by going for big bare metal boxes. My uptime with 17 missed blocks is 99.99975% since starting witnessing can tell that. I run currently 10 dedicated boxes in 4 countries which have steem p2p nodes running.

  3. I was recently discussing with @gtg how to add another full rpc node like the others have been adding but our discussion ended in setting up a bigger thing once we have the new HF / Hivemind stuff fully in place. So that is still 'to do'.

  4. Coming back to last week actually I've been working on editing and fixing bugs on some fun apps (I guess you don't like them tho) I did already a while ago for Steemit chain:

Also last week I appeared in @aggroed's show last saturday, which I try to attend every other time. Furthermore I did some reading up on Hivemind and such.

Additionally I am currently working on an art project for a fountain in a city in Holland. It will be a 'whale' which sprays water on given times. I am writing the script in python and connecting it with relays. This fountain (whale) will be revealed in about 1.5 - 2 months and will be connected to behaviour on the Steem blockchain (as a gimmick)

Then there is some family troubles at home (parents) which I will not bother you about.

  1. I've been promoting Steem whenever I can:
  • appeared a couple of times on Dutch national radio
  • did a presentation last year for Dutch telecom C-level (70 pax)
  • With Steemfest organising I think I also help spread the word quite a lot.

If people feel they should not be voting for me, they are welcome to not vote for me. I am really sorry to hear your feelings and I hope my post clarifies a bit what I do.

I hope it also answers a bit your question and I hope to your liking. Maybe if you would support me with a witness vote it would be much appreciated.

If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know. If you feel there is anything more I should be doing for my witness position please let me know.

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