The Crypto Renaissance - Exhibition in NYC [Special Visitors @skycorridors + @andrarchy + @nanzo-scoop | Upcoming @dadanyc Workshop]

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@sndbox Interview with Naomi Brockwell

The final week for the exhibition has been action packed and full of amazing meetups, workshops, interviews and great press. Yesterday, our team had the opportunity to sit down with Naomi Brockwell, renowned cryptocurrency advocate, guru, Film/TV producer, and host of Naomi Brockwell TV!

We toured her around The Crypto Renaissance exhibition in Brooklyn and even took a selfie together at the @steephsot Selfie Station ;)


Follow @skycorridors on Twitter!

Michael and Kirk of @sndbox / @creativecrypto spoke about the new landscape of cryptocurrency, the impact it has on creatives and the systemic issues behind traditional social media platforms like Facebook and Youtube. We talked at length about Steem and how it provides an exciting new community for artists, designers, writers and musicians to engage and empower their work!

Stay tuned for our interview later this week ;)



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More Special Guests!

Just a few hours before Naomi arrived, we had the chance to give a tour to special guests @andrarchy (Content Director at Steemit Inc.) and @nanzo-scoop who is visiting New York and was also a Donor to the show! A warm thank you to Nanzo's family for visiting humoring us through our "A+" crypto-walkabout.

All tours (of course) concluded with an obligatory blockchain selfie :)

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This Saturday: Blockchain Art Workshop + Presentation by @dadanyc

Saturday, August 11, 2018 - 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM - Judy Mam and Beatriz Ramos of @dadanyc will be hosting a presentation within The Crypto Renaissance Exhibition in Brooklyn, NY.

RSVP via our Meetup Event

Interested in the decentralization of the art world? Join us for a special event with one of most bonafide creative platforms in the crypto space - Dada! Founders Judy Mam and Beatriz Ramos have built an incredible global ecosystem of collaborative drawing on their own Ethereum-based infrastructure.

On August 11, the founders of Dada will be hosting both a full keynote on their journey in the blockchain world as well as a workshop that goes through their platform and opens the doors for NYC professionals to enter the crypto world and their empowered community.

If you're curious to learn more about DADA, make sure to visit their website and support their Steemit page, below:
Steemit Blog: @dadanyc

More Events + Workshops with @sndbox

Join us for a month of events and Steem-powered workshops in New York City! The Crypto Renaissance Exhibition will be up from July 20 - August 15th. Take a look at our roster, below and make sure to sign up via our Meetup page!

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Follow us on Twitter > Sndbox + The Creative Crypto + Facebook

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