I Love Steemit, BUT...(Rant alert lol)

I am still confused as to why It is so hard to upload pics? Seems like you have to be a Rocket Scientists In order to achieve this! lol I understand we are still In beta, but It was easier to upload pics back In the "Myspace" days! Please forgive my rant, but It's VERY, VERY annoying. I could be In the middle of a great thought, then I go to upload my pic using IMGSAFE. (which "sometimes" works, & sometimes It's got a Error 521 message which won't let me upload) It actually discourages me from uploading my post. I know that this has been mentioned before, but Is there a better, easier, faster way for a work around? I'm not the most "tech savy" person, so you'll have to forgive my impatience. But, I also know that I'm not alone. I've also tried postimage.org...ipfs...but still haven't found a solid site. Any other suggestions, or a just a plea message to the creators of Steemit...Well, now that felt better to get off my chest!!! lol


A little frustrated:)

(Now you may return to your regularly scheduled steemit post) lol

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