"Powering down"...The Mystery Continues


Hey Steemit world. I've been watching a lot of videos, and reading many blogs. But, I am still In the dark about what it means to "Power Down." So, I have compiled a list of questions for anyone on here that "factually" knows what it means. (Please no guessing...just straight facts...thanks) I don't plan on doing it anytime soon, but it's just nice to know what options I have when the time comes. Also, with the newer people I plan on bringing to the platform in the future, I can tell them with confidence what I know about it. (& hopefully this post will help some newbies as well:) Okay, here we go...

#1. When you power down, how long Is it for?

#2. If you power down, does it have a start/stop feature? (meaning if you start powering down for 6 months, then you decide to stop and wait for 2 months. Then, start powering back down again, does it start back on the 7th month?) I hope that makes sense...lol!

#3. Whenever you finish "powering down", can you continue on the platform? Or, Is that the end of your account? Or, does the process start back at the beginning?

#4. As your powering down, does your "steem power" continue to accrue on your balance, or does it stop?

Hopefully I can get an answer these questions. I appreciate all who take the time to answer:) Thank you. Living the...


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