Technical Update: Steem 0.16.0 (RC4) is Available for Audit and Upgrading

One week ago we released Steem 0.16.0 (RC3) with expectation that it would be the final release. It has now been successfully deployed by more than 15 witnesses without issue.

Today we have tagged Steem 0.16.0 (RC4) and merged it into the master branch making it the absolute final release for version 0.16.0. Future versions will increment the version number. RC3 and RC4 are fully compatible.

Bug Fixes in this Release

We have fixed a few stability issues between RC3 and RC4 and also added a soft-fork to prevent network spamming. We ask that all witnesses consider upgrading to adopt the stability enhancements and prevent bandwidth abuse.


The upgrade is still scheduled for 2016/12/06 16:00:00 UTC (11:00:00 EST).

The Steem 0.16.0 code may be found on GitHub here:

Technical Notes

Please read the GitHub release for further technical documentation.

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