I wish Steemit could provide us with this information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lately, I have been thinking about “if steemit is reaching people outside of USA and Europe”, and I am not sure if people from other countries actually know about steemit. Also, it would be awesome if we know what are the languages used in steemit to post articles.

These types of information would help a lot of steemers like me who speak many languages.
Why I need this information?????

I am one of the people who speaks 3 languages beside English, if I could know that for example there are many members from France, I would write some posts in French, or Arabic…

I am not sure if development team actually though about making a French version of steemit for example to fix this issue. Seeing posts in many different languages in one platform would not look so professional to me.

Let me know what you guys think about this matter.

Thank you for reading :). If you like the article please SUPPORT :), and FOLLOW :). @steemmaster

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