Steemit.BIT - Decentralised domain name registered for Steemit and an easy way to access .bit domains from any browser

What is a .BIT/Name coin domain?

Dot-Bit is a top-level domain that is NOT controlled by any government or corporation.
You can register a Dot-Bit domain using the inexpensive cryptocurrency, Namecoin. (A derivative of BitCoin.)

Dot-Bit domains cost only a few pennies to register, and you don’t have to go through anyone else to do it.
Dot-Bit domains are extremely resistant to being shut down or hijacked by governments, corporations or criminals. Dot-Bit domains are the decentralized alternative to building your whole web presence on a Dot-Com or other top-level domain that can be shut down at any time for any reason by any government without due process.


Steemit.bit has been registered with Namecoin and is configured to forward traffic to the IP address associated with; not sure why it would happen but if ICANN ever blacklisted to was pressured to remove support for then we can all use Steemit.bit; as long as the web hosting does not follow suite!!.

How do i test the Steemit.bit domain

.Bit domains are not recognised as a valid top level domains so your DNS provider will not resolve the address and therefore you will receive a page cannot be displayed error when attempting to browse the website via a normal web browser.
If your interested in browsing some .BIT domains you can do so with a plugin to Chrome or Firefox or you can use a web based proxy service to do the lookup for your and redirect you to the correct page; one that i have used in the past is: <- great tool for accessing Name coin domains!!

There are two ways to use this service

  1. Browse their webpage and on the main page enter your desired .bit domain and click 'GO'.
  2. Just add "" to the end of your desired .Bit address and your normal DNS server will be able to lookup the correct destination via name service!!

In my opinion Option 2 is much more convenient and as such i have provided an example below

Option 2 Example: To browse to 'Steemit.bit" on a normal web browser add "" to the end of the address which would result in: hit Enter and away you go :)

Who controls the Steemit.BIT domain

I Do, I do not really want or need to be the gate keeper of this domain but i am committed and willing to hand over control of this Domain to Ned or Dan upon request. I am also willing to retain this address and renew it every 6 months encase it is ever needed. @dan if you reading this i am still holding cryptonomex.bit as well; as i mentioned previously all you have to do is ask.

Should i use Steemit.bit from now on?

No!; Continue using as normal. it will serve you well; and hopefully you will never have any requirement to use steemit.bit; it is just a backup plan that we can use if something where to happen to normal domain name.

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