Utopian and STEEMPUNK-NET -- contribute and be rewarded


STEEMPUNK-NET goes Utopian

As already anounce in the last weekly we have been in the process of getting our sources to Github to be able to run our project taking advantage of the fantastic Utopian initiative. This process is now finished and I (@jedigeiss) have become a moderator within Utopian to explicitly care about the contributions for STEEMPUNK-NET.
What does that mean? Where is the benefit for us all doing that? I will explain!

The Utopian idea

Phrased in my own words Utopian is about the idea to pay contributors to open source software for their time invested. This would mean that these contributions would not have to be made for free or for a donation, but you could really get some cryptocurrency for investing your time and knowledge.
There are for sure much better Utopian descriptions out there, here is a link


Soon we will raise task requests for specific things that we need via Utopian, you can take one of these and do a contribution based on our request. This will ultimately help us all in getting faster with our development and having a better and fancier game at the end ;)
But you are not limited on task requests, you can also do normal contributions, like bug reports, bringing project ideas, making graphics etc.
Here is a list of all current categories available in Utopian:


In general to do some work via Utopian you need to login using the Utopian Frontend and you have to connect your work to a repository from us in Github. Currently all of you used the pcsg/steempunk-net-browser repo but we are developing in a modularized way and have much more than just one repo. Here is a list which one to use:

  • pcsg/steempunk-net-browser --> this is really only the browser extension, not much in there :)
  • pcsg/steemit-steempunk-locale --> for the translations of ingame material (soon to be supported by @dehenne so wait a bit please)
  • /pcsg/quiqqer --> if in doubt use this, its the base that connects all together

I clarified with @elear that ingame texts like weapon descriptions or so are going into the copywriting category.
And please take into account the other Utopian rules! See here

Whats in there for you ?

Well fast and easy, helping us develop faster helps the whole community to get a better game earlier :) Quite easy! And additionally you get voted by the Utopian Bot for quite a bit of extra money. A clear win win to me!

Current needs

Like said above we value all your contributions for the game itself, but you also could help spread the word and add this in the visibilty category, or you could translate our Whitepaper to your own language (It exists in German and English) or or or

There are so many possibilities to help us!

By the Way, it is always a good idea to come to the STEEMPUNK-NET Discord to talk with us ;)

Thanks alot, you are a wonderful community!

Jan, for the STEEMPUNK-NET Team

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