Version 2.0
Increased speed of creating signatures ~ 300 times. The speed increase is achieved due to the use of a different signature generation mechanism based on the library
Methods supported:
- Sign - an ordinary signature
- SignCompressedCompact - compressed signature
- GetPublicKey - getting the public key
- Base58.GetBytes - translate WIF key into a base58 form (needed to create a signature)
- GetMessageHash - hashes the message using sha256 (required to create a signature)
Version 2.1
Some of the methods for the library were translated from C to C#, which allowed to make a standardized, cross-platform assembly (.NET Standard) that can be connected to mobile solutions based on Xamarin.
Methods supported:
- GetMessageHash - hashes the message using sha256 (required to create a signature)
- SignCompressedCompact - a compressed signature in the canonical form. The solution is adapted for Graphene (65 bytes will be returned):
// code for recovery + compression code (compressed) + compact code (compact).
sig[0] = recid + 4 + 27
sig[1] - vector r = 32 bits
sig[33] - vector s = 32 bits