#SteemBonds - Part 2
The importance of having #SteemBonds - Part 2.
Following on from the recent Blog explaining the importance of having #SteemBonds, Matt @Starkerz and I have put together a short 7 minute video explaining why #SteemBonds are important to the stability of the #Steem Ecosystem.
Part 1
Should anyone have missed Part 1, please see the attached link below...
The importance of having STEEM Bonds. This was highlighted in a recent interview with @Starkerz, @AshleyPeat and @TomasGeorge at Steemfest.
Locking away #Steem Power in return for Delegated #Steem
There are many ways that the terms of the #SteemBonds could be purchased, with multiple options available for reward.
One way that #SteemBonds could be rewarded would be Delegated #Steem in return for locking away #Steem Power for a fixed length of time.
Terms of the #SteemBond would be tailor-made and recorded on the #Blockchain, but in essence would effectively be an agreement to lock away #Steem Power held by the Bond Holder in return for Delegated #Steem.
The Delegated #Steem Power would effectively act as the interest on the Bond.
Simply locking #Steem Power away for a fixed period set out in accordance with the Terms of the #SteemBond would effectively take the #Steem off the Market for the duration of the Bond.
Taking #Steem off the market would strengthen the #Steem Ecosystem by effectively suppressing any fall in the price off #Steem.
Matt @Starkerz and I would be more than happy to discuss #SteemBonds further if it is something that the Community would be interested to see.
Thanks again for reading/watching.
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