Live Market Page

After the launch of the internal market I'm sure a lot of you have been interested in following the market action. Unfortunately, the market page does not yet automatically update the state of the market so you're stuck refreshing all the time.

That's why I decided to play around with the api and create a live-updating market page. This page also shows the recent order history so you can see when the last trades happened and at what price. The code is written in javascript (React for the front-end, Node.js for the backend) and is available as open-source software here:

To follow the market action as it happens, you can go here: (please ignore the domain name, it's the only one I had lying around..)

Update: I made several improvements following the announcement:

  • A price chart has been added
  • The order history is now color-coded for buy/sell (green/red)
  • The orderbook and the order history now has pagination

Market page screenshot

3 columns
2 columns
1 column