If You Really Want To Stand Out On Steemit, Do This!!!!

There is a principle that many success experts suggest called "act as if".

The basic concept here is that if you want to be a particular way, act as if you are already that way.

For example, if you want to be a successful writer, start acting as if you already had that success. What actions does that person take? How long is spent writing? What approach is used to writing? How does one market the works?

By mirroring that actions of that which we want to be, over time we mentally see ourselves as such. In addition, we also start to get some of the same results as that individuals since our actions will create them.

I bring this up because many people on here want to be heavy hitters. They look at the accounts of many and see 50K SP; 100K SP; or even more. Since that is what most of us aspire to, we should look at the behavior of those individuals to see what we can learn and model.

Yesterday I posted a topic about my results with commenting. As I shared, there is great value in commenting. Over the course of a week, I made $235.


Not only is commenting a great way to make some money, it is also a path to getting some followers. Posting comments enables people to learn about you. Through some interaction, people will visit your blog. This all aids in helping your account grow.

There is one other aspect to this. If you goal is to start out, there is another action that can be taken with comments to aid in this. It is also a behavior the heavy hitters exhibit on a regular basis.


If you truly want to be recognized as someone different from the masses, start upvoting the comments of other people. This is something that is rarely done by minnows yet it is one of the easiest ways to stand out.

The post I linked has 130 votes in it. With so many upvotes, it is hard to see anyone but the largest of voters (who appear on the top). After that, the list just goes on with many of the smaller voters not even appearing on the drop down when I click on it. Therefore, many people will be lost.

However, the situation is not the same in the comment section. Very few people voted for comments. Those with multiple ones mostly contain upvotes from the author and, perhaps, one or two other people (one of them being myself). Doing a quick scan, I do not see any comments with even close to 10 votes with 6 being the most I saw.

From a competition standpoint, upvoting comments on a regular basis will put you in select company. Few people do it to a large degree. Posting regular comments will catch my attention.....upvoting my comments on a regular basis will really grab me.

As I said at the beginning of this post, acting as if is a great way to begin to create the reality of what you are desiring. Many heavy hitters will upvote a number of quality comments in posts they are reading. This does not apply to their own works. I noticed a number who will come through and upvote 5 or 6 different comments of an article I wrote. To me, this carries a lot of weight.

Give it a try. I know it is tough in the beginning when you do not have the slider bar (logging in with Busy.org will fix that). However, this is one of the easiest ways to get on the radar of other people.

If you found this article informative, please give it an upvote and a resteem.

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