STEEM: The Time For A Minnow Uprising Is Getting Closer: Overwhelm The System

It is a little over a week since I posted about the Minnow Uprising. I hope everyone is getting geared up for it. There is no better time to put this into effect than now.

I took a look at the numbers for the month of June thus far and there is a nice shift in MVest distribution. The month is seeing the Dolphins and Minnows gain a great deal. Those two categories are, so far, outpacing the Whales and Orcas, not only in percentage, but in total MVests earned.

My view on this is that so much of the SP from the larger accounts was delegated over the last few months to entities that do not post on their own. For example, @steemhunt received more than 1.5M SP in delegation yet it does not take a ton from the author's reward pool. We see the same thing with the delegation by individuals to others applications such as DTube and Zappl. Even @tribesteemup received a 500K SP delegation yet only posts a few times a week.

The reward pool is tilted in favor of the authors. 75% of that amount goes to the authors with 25% going to the curators. With so much SP being allocated to accounts that do little to no posting, this opens up the doors for others to step in.

Speaking of the reward pool, according to @dragosoura, we are seeing record levels in the weekly payout of STEEM. This week, it is almost 750K STEEM that will be paid out to Steemians.

What is Minnow Uprising?

Basically it is spelled out in this chart put together by @arcange. It essentially is a numbers game. While the smaller accounts do not have the big SP levels, they do have large numbers. This is their advantage.


When you look at the number of Minnows, Planktons, and Inactives, there exists the possibility to completely overwhelm the reward pool. It is my conclusion, after looking at the numbers for so many months, that the more that are on this blockchain posting, the more the rewards get spread out.

For that reason, since we cannot increase the number of users overnight, we have to increase the level of posting by those who are here. This is where the Minnow Uprising comes in.

The idea is to post 3-4 times a day. We have enough different applications on this blockchain to make that feasible. Every post need not be done on Steemit in blog form. There is which is similar to Reddit. Zappl allows for microblogging like Twitter. One can put up a @steemhunt or two. Of course, there is also @dtube and @dlive for video creation.

Using all the tools at our disposal will enhance the ability to post a great deal while still maintaining quality.

The goal is to get at least 10K of these smaller accounts posting on a massive scale. While that might sound like a huge number, consider the fact that over 1M accounts are either inactive, Red Fish or Minnow. Obviously it is tough to get the inactive going but if a few join the cause, it could shift things.

Here is a broad outline of what needs to take place.

  • Post 3-4 times a day, everyday throughout the month of July.
  • Use all your allotted daily upvotes.
  • Self upvote, upvote each other, and join curation trails (@tribesteemup is a terrific one to join). Band together to get voting power in your hands, hence paying each other.
  • Stay away from bid bots if you can. They are terrific for getting publicity. This is not about publicity but getting SP into the smaller accounts. Most bidbots are pushes at best from the financial end of things.
  • Form voting circles if you can. Support each other.
  • I would suggest you check out @minnowsmith and start using your computer power to do some mining of SBD. While this isn't going to net a ton, if every Minnow did this for a Red Fish, we would see those accounts grow. A .5 payout does not sound like much until you realize that is 1% for a 50 SP account. There are 123K accounts that could use that .5 payout.

STEEM offers a unique opportunity to chart a different path in the distribution arena. Since there is a daily reward pool, we can use this to amass more power on the platform. It is also something that we can earn through out efforts. No buy-in required.

There is a lot taking place right now that has me really excited. Each week, my belief that a single SP is going to be worth a tremendous amount is strengthened. It really is not going to take a ton of SP to equate to "life-changing money" for many.

Last night, I watched an interview which will be the subject of my post tomorrow morning. Without going into it, I will simply say there is a lot taking place that is going to really enhance STEEM. We are on the verge of some major breakthroughs that will alter the path of blockchain.

Steemians are a community. For that reason, it is up to us to take responsibility for this blockchain. There is an issue with the distribution of SP. Therefore, let us all do something about that. The power is in our hands. Individually we really cannot do much yet collectively there is great power here. It is time to exercise that.

The mantra for the month of July is:

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It is time for massive action. The smaller accounts have the numbers. Put them to use.

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