Sharing Is Caring: Why Steemit (STEEM) Is My Passion!!!

The blockchain is truly revolutionary. It is not a re-invention of something that went before. This is an entirely new Internet that is changing the power structure for all of mankind.

Personally, it is my mission to do all I can to assist humanity in its quest for freedom. We all operated under the thumb of the banksters and a system that favored them at the expense of almost everyone else. This blight has existed for over 100 years in this form and it is time to reverse course. The technology exists to free the human race like never before. Blockchain is that technology and it is unstoppable.

Since I came to Steemit almost 5 months ago, I did all I could to push this entire ecosystem forward. After a couple months on here I realized that people were not aware of what is truly taking place. Many look at price action believing that is a way to rate the progress. Repeatedly I tell people to ignore price action. It will go up and down as the market sees fit. Even though the media hounds like to claim the reason why that happens, the truth is they have no idea. In the cryptocurrency world, this is even more exaggerated since so few have any idea what is going on.

A comment by @papa-pepper on one of my posts mentioned how Steemit is bringing crytpo to the masses. Indeed it is. We are now just starting to see this revolutionary technology start to expand its reach. Unlike bitcoin or litecoin which required one to buy in, this is available for all to join. I mentioned this to a co-worker of mine today and his first question was "will this cost me anything?". That is what people are thinking and, fortunately for us, the answer is "no".

Yesterday I posted about the progress of @jakeybrown. He is here a bit over a month and is now in line to pull in over $1,000 in the next 7 days. Knowing I had a big hand in that really inspires me. This is evidence of a person changing his life and that of his family.

We have this opportunity to do this for millions. Part of the reason why I support the concept of basic income is because it enables people to say "no". When one lacks resources, he or she is obligated to take whatever job offered. The one constant in all of our lives is that the bills come on a consistent basis. When one needs money to pay said bills, and a job is the only path, one will take what is offered. That is why so many work in hopeless, dead-end jobs for years on end. What is sad is that, as a society, we are conditioned to applaud this. Talk about being brainwashed by the banksters.

Steemit became a passion of mine so that I can help others to pursue their passion. The nature of work has gotten to the point it is sickening. I was reading a post about one's experience in Iran and I was saying to myself, this is no different than the U.S. People being lied to by politicians, banskters starving the masses, and people living under fear. This is a world wide problem.

Dedication to Steemit will change your life. However, if you make it a passion, you can change the lives of many others. The wealth that is available here is amazing. Of course, it does not stop with Steemit. Many cryptocurrencies have the ability to alter the paths of millions of people. It is one of the reason I am equally committed to Manna and post the link at the end of each of my posts. I want as many people getting tokens as a form of income as possible. Between the two, it will give many people some breathing room.

It is up to us to expand this place and make it grow. I am here to do what I can with my writing and commenting. Billions are making Zuckerberg and Wall Street rich with their daily actions on Facebook. What is sad is most of them have no idea what is going on nor what "revolutionary" means.

My boss was talking about Facebook today and gave a couple examples of things he knows were sold on the new marketplace. He was going on about how it was a free service and his girlfriend contacted a seller at 2 only to get more than 30 inquiries by the time they picked up the product at 6. He stated that this was going to be "revolutionary".

I am sorry but a major corporation offer a free service at introduction to keep more people on their ecosystem does not quality as revolutionary to me. Google has been doing this for a couple decades. Get people in and keep them in...that is what these companies do. In this instance, we are simply switching chairs around. Instead of going to an Ebay, Facebook is used. How is that any different? Does anyone believe that if this concept takes off, Facebook won't start charging fees for the service? Of course they will.

This is just another example of humanity being sucked in and further controlled. The Facebook ecosystem, like all the silos, equal nothing more than slavery. When one does all the work yet gets none of the proceeds, that is slavery.

Fortunately, there is a new ecosystem that stands for freedom. The steem blockchain is in the process of freeing many people around the world.

I want to share this comment that was left yesterday:

I have to agree on what you said it is a gold rush with the rise of Steem and SBD that I held the last three months and the price of both skyrocketing last December I did a test pay out and converted about 15 SBD and got about 150 USD which amounts to about 7700 Philippine peso. A little gift to myself for the holidays as well as proof that earning in Steemit is not a scam.

Unfortunately here in the Philippines, Facebook is king. We have one of the heaviest concentration of active users who average at least 8 hours of use a day. Whenever I talk to people about the merits of Steemit all I get are answers that it's a scam that how would we monetize our content because we are ordinary people. They could not believe it and they go on spending their time looking at their phone tapping away and commenting their while Mark grows even richer with selling their viewing and selling habits.

Then I posted proof of my payout and the unbelievers started asking how?? Nothing motivates people like seeing proof.

75% of what I get I hold here and it revolves around contests, bots and powering up. I am just obsessed with stackin power! I want to reach 1000 SP but right now I bought delegation from @blocktrades to power me up albeit artificially.

25% I use to cash out some to buy steem in exchanges, some other alts and ICOs. Some times again I reward my self.

In a month I have cash out just 50 sbd and that is about 400 usd which is about 20 grand in pesos. The average minimum wage of a person here is about 200 usd a month. I got 20 usd from one post, one day that I made a quality content post. That is how hard things are in a third world country like the Philippines is. So showing that it can be done we got so many people who started in Steemit last December.

From 10 people we are now at 100+ in @steemitfamilyph. That was one of the reasons I bought delegation to be able to help teh New ones.

We gave them the expectations that Steemit is not easy. It's going to take time, good quality posts and building relationships. So they can't expect making 100's right away. But nothing demotivated people more than seeing zeroes so with my delegated power I am able to get them to at least a dollar amount. 7 dollars or 350 pesos for doing something that they would normally waste watching a video in Facebook or comment on the latest drama they have with friends and family seems that getting that 7 dollars is better.

The two examples you gave getting a grand a month made me hungry to get that! I'll continue getting people, building relationships and writing good content.

It is a gold rush and I am in and will be a Steemit millionaire in the Philippines in account of my creativity, marketing and relationship building. It is mine.

How can you not be juiced by a comment like that? This is something that we are all helping to create on a daily basis.

I was a bit low on VP when I read this comment but I gave him a 50% upvote nonetheless. It was worth close to 5 S.T.U. which elicited this comment:

Omg I am floored!! Thank you so much and indeed that vote will go to my road to 60 fund where in I'll have increased visibility, voting and curating powers!

I have also registered. I am an addict on New coins, air drops and bounties. I will spread it!

Do you know what that is? It is called hope. Here is an individual, @maverickinvictus, who is not only benefiting from what we do on here yet also carrying it to the others in his country. We never know what impact our words or an upvote while have on another.

The people earning STEEM on here are all being positively impacted. This ecosystem is already changing the lives of many. Even in the Western nations, where the wealth is much greater, there is still a lot of suffering. My goal is to assist as many people as possible to alleviate that, at least financially. This is the power we are granted by being a part of this blockchain.

Each day we have new people coming on here. One of the reasons I write what I do is because I know newer people read it. If they wanted whining and complaining, they could remain on Facebook. That place, from what I hear, is a cesspit of negativity. Steemit is different. People on here should have hope and need to exhibit that in their posts. If you want to complain, go see your therapist. Yes there are issues here which need addressing. It is not a perfect system. Nevertheless, telling us how miserable your life is will only get you isolated. Instead of complaining, do something about it.

Steemit provides a pathway to a better world. Unfortunately, none of us can arrive at that destination on our own. We need the input and assistance from as many as possible. If you want to change their world, then get passionate about this place. There are thousands of people who are feeling the positive is now time to turn that into millions. This can only happen if we all do everything we can. Each post, comment and upvote has an impact. Do not overlook that fact.

Of course, be mindful of what it is that you are posting since the impact can be both positive or negative.

It is amazing what happens when we cease focusing upon our accounts and start to assist others in growing theirs. When you seek to acquire STEEM so that you can increase your voting power to help move others forward, then you are beginning to understand the magic of this blockchain. In the end, we require others to upvote us if we are going to be successful. That means, we also need to do our part by helping others.

This is the circle of success which makes the STEEM system different from anything else out there.

For me, this isn't just a website but a mission. Freedom is available to all, we just need to get it to them.

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