Time For A Minnow Uprising: Overwhelm The System

@timcliff posted an article yesterday asking what it will take for STEEM to reach $10 in 2018. In the post, he had this:

As stakeholders, we have a responsibility to take an active role in improving the value of the token.

He went on to write:

Ideas on what Steemit can do are OK, but I do not accept the idea that we are 100% dependent on them to get us there. I am really most interested in hearing ideas on what we as community stakeholders can to do increase the value of the token.


While his focus is on the price of the token, I prefer to focus upon the contribution to the blockchain and the distribution of the SP.

Over the last 6 months, I followed the breakdown of the different classifications based upon SP and the shift that is occurring. My research went back to March of 2017, the point forward that I analyzed the data. Each month that I run the numbers, it tells the same story. While a flawed system, SP is indeed being spread out. More of the SP is going to the smaller accounts as a whole.

My personal belief is that we will see this accelerated as the number of users join the blockchain. With 60K dailiy active users transacting, we can formulate how this was change if that number was 600K. Since the sign up process is going to remain manual for the foreseeable future, I propose this.

It is time for a massive Minnow (and Plankton) Uprising. It is time to overwhelm the system.

Before I get to the premise, a few facts.

According to the numbers compiled by @arcange, there are 143,793 Minnows and Planktons on this site


@penguinpablo has these stats.

Daily number of votes: around 700K
Daily posts: roughly 43K
Daily accounts transacting: 60K


The present reward pool pays 75% to the author. This is where the system favors those who post. It is time, as @timcliff says, "to take an active role".

Here is what I propose.

We need 10K Minnows and Planktons. Basically that is anyone with less than 5K SP.

These individuals are tasked with creating a Minnow uprising. Basically, this is designed to overwhelm the system. Each individual agrees to post 3-4 times a day, every day, for the month of July.

Also, each person uses the 10 100% votes allotted on a daily basis. Use those votes to self-vote each post plus each other. One cannot use voting bots but can partner up to vote in pools with/for each other.

This might sound like a lot of posting but there are many tools to utilize. One post can be a zap by using Zappl. Another could be a Steepshot photo of something you found interesting. A link can be posted via Parley.io. You can put up a D.Tube video or a Steemit post. Lest we forget, post a find on steemhunt.com.

Use the tools that are available on here.

With 10K Minnows doing this, here is what will happen in the month of July.

There will be at least 30K posts a day just by this group (compared to roughly 43K total now).
We will see 100K 100% votes (or many more when using the voting bar).

This equates to close to 1M posts and a minimum of 3.1M 100% votes (probably more like 5M when using the voting bar). That is an incredible amount of traffic for this site based upon the present activity.

We also could see an enormous increase in the number of comments based upon the average of 2+ comments per post.

I will run the numbers through June 30th on July 1 and post them as I always do. On Aug 1, this will be repeated to compared the growth rate of the two classifications over the month. I will also pull up the numbers from previous posts to see how much this jumped compared to the norm.

It is time to take action. Instead of waiting for the larger accounts to do something, it is time for the smaller accounts to take matters into their own hands. 10K accounts putting up 30K+ posts a day plus all using their allotted voting power will overwhelm the system. 75% of the reward pool goes to the authors and that is a lot of posts to try and counteract. The 300 largest accounts simply cannot create enough content to counteract all that activity.

So there you have it. Who is in?

Try to share this idea with everyone you can. For those who are creative, please try to think up some names for this and create some gifs. Minnow Overwhelm. Minnow Uprising. The Return of the Minnow. 😀

For 31 days in the month of July, the reward pool is there for the taking. It is time for the Minnows and Planktons to take what is there.

It is their Independence Day.

By the way, by doing this, the chances that a bigger fish comes by and sees your post is greatly increased. With that many posts, there is no way the Dolphins and Orcas cannot see what is being posted. A few of those posts will suddenly find some decent upvotes each day.

If you found this article informative, please give it an upvote and resteem.

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