What The Heck Is Hive-Mind And What Does It Have To Do With STEEM?

Of late, I am researching the next fork and some of the things are going to be added to it. While I was aware of SMTs, Communities, and Automated sign-up, I kept seeing this thing called hive-mind and wondered what it was exactly. It sounded like an interesting thing to add in the next update.

For those who are unaware, hive-mind basically is an acceleration of the mental/creative capabilities of a group. Whereas one person can create X, and 5 people produce X-X-X-X-X, the totality when the 5 combine is much greater than that. Essentially, it is exponential growth of an ecosystem.

This idea has started to get more publicity when discussing machine learning (AI). In fact, many believe the reason why Elon Musk is ahead of others in the race for autonomous cars is because his AI system used hive-mind. If my car learns to take a 35 degree turn, not only will the entire system learn to take that curve, it will instantly know how to take every 35 degree turn. In short, the power of the system is increased significantly.

So how does this apply to Steemit and what does it have to do with the next fork?

To answer the second question, nothing. The hive-mind reference is not applied to the hard fork per se although the fork is part of it.

What hive-mind is referring to is the steem ecosystem which operates in total chaos. Just like bees in a hive, everyone on here is swarming around doing their thing. There is no hierarchy or direction, just people doing what comes natural. At the development level, there are hundreds of people creating different apps and programs which will enhance this system. Some are working together in an organized unit, others operation on their own. Simultaneously, there are people creating content on here based upon their own individual creativity. Separately, we each accomplish very little. However, collectively, the results are astounding.

Each of us influences other people. It is an interconnect web of ideas and actions. Naturally, there are many positive and, a few, not so positive. A post stimulates an idea for a comment. Another answers the comment which stimulates an idea for a post. And so on. We also see open source programs being designed which will most certainly give ideas to other programmers. It all keeps building.

In my search, I came across a wonderful article written by @flauwy detailing his take on the hive-mind. One important point that he raised is that for people to be rewarded (ie money), they have to create content that is valued and deemed worthy of a reward. This implements the situation where each person has to "raise his or her game". What is interesting is that it is not in a competitive manner. I am not competing with you nor vice versa. Instead, each person on here is creating based upon his/her inner desires. Ultimately, others show their love, support, and approval by their upvotes and comments. Remember, this is the currency we operate in and we tell others all about ourselves by those actions. Even the act of withholding our votes is telling the community exactly what motivates us.

Here is the article:


I often write about a new paradigm being erected based upon sharing is caring. Sadly, I pointed out a situation which shows that we still have a way to go in creating this. The old conditioning is still present within the hearts and minds of many. I only hope that everyone on here has the ability to sit quietly and go within.

That said, I think @flauwy effectively showed how much better off society is because of Steemit and what is developing here. This is not about creating posts for the sake of posts. Nor is it about getting financial rewards. Instead, it is about changing the world. He mentioned the concept of basic income which, amazingly, is debated.

Nevertheless, @flauwy mentioned STEEM being a basic income for people. While I think this stretches the concept a bit, I can see the point. There is enough wealth on here to sustain anyone who joins. The only barrier, if ones are willing to create and add to the blockchain, is for people to get over their own greed and selfishness. Again, this is the old bankster-instilled paradigm where for me to win, you have to lose. Mine. Mine. Mine. I am sure this sounds familiar to anyone with children. Sadly, most of us never grow past that point and approach the world in the same manner. Mine. Mine. Mine.

The steem blockchain has the ability to change the world. As wonderful as it is, technology's impact, both positive and negative, is only a result of the people applying it. Technology is neutral yet it can be a double-edged sword. Fire was discovered enabling people to cook food which was a very good thing. Sadly, people also learned they could burn down other's villages. The technology did not decide, mankind did.

It is the same here. Collectively we can lift up humanity by feeding off each other in an embracing manner. Through the interaction with others, we can learn and grow. Inherent in this is the motivation to uplift ourselves which serves to do the same for others. Of course, we can opt to use the blockchain to go the other way. In the wrong hands, this is a powerful weapon to tear humanity apart and force people from this arena.

Hive-mind is commonly applied to artificial intelligence because that medium is about intelligence. What do I mean by that? As I mentioned with Tesla, hive-mind seeks to improve the entire ecosystem's intelligence by learning (read growing) and passing it along. The entire system learns. What is noticeable is that it is devoid of emotion.

Humans do not often engage in hive-mind. When humans get together as a large group, it is commonly mob-rule. This is different from hive-mind in that it is filled with emotion (almost always negative). What inevitably results is that mob mentality is established at the lowest common denominator which is idiot. Learning and uplifting the entire group (ecosystem) is not part of the equation. In fact, studies show that people in groups tend to engage in behavior they normally would not if isolated. Watch how people behave at soccer matches, after a Super Bowl win, or during riots. This is mob-mentality.

Hive-mind, on here, does not have to be that way. We are on a creative platform where we can inspire, learn, motivate, and care for each other. Everything you do on here does matter. Each action is either building this place up or tearing it down. People are watching and feeding off that. Some will jump right in emotionally starting a feeding frenzy of stupidity just like a mob. At the same time, others will inspire and uplift which empowers others to do the same. This leads to breakthroughs giving more people ideas. And so on and so forth.

We are at the beginning stages of this blockchain. It is not even two years old and we are already seeing some incredible results. There is exponential growth on here reflective of the hive-mind. Programmers, writers, singers, artists, and even stoners (love ya @davedickeyyall) contribute their ideas in whatever creative form it takes. This lays the foundation for someone else to come along and build upon it. Nothing happens here in isolation.

Collectively, we can put in place the groundwork to create a blockchain that will uplift the entire human race. The banksters are cooked. Their hold on humanity is over. It is just a matter of time before de-centralization crumbles their entire infrastructure. In the meantime, we simply need to destroy the mindset they instilled. Their mode is to dumb down, stir the pot, and create the mob mentality. We see this through their use of the media. It is always conflict meant to divide. Sadly, most of humanity eats it up.

The way to overcome this is for each of us to enlist ourselves in the mind-hive that is forming on here. If you prefer the bankster model of attacking, degrading, and operating from a scarcity mindset, do not be surprised when the masses turn on you.

Hive-mind or mob mentality, which are you selecting?

No need to answer that....our individual actions tell the entire story.

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