Let's Make STEEM a Top 20 Cryptocurrency - SteemBlast September 3

As many of you have heard, I am organizing an Invest in Steem Social Media Blast Day. The goal of this event is to coordinate a massive social media "blast", where everbody starts talking about how amazing Steem is - all at once. I want to generate as much "buzz" about Steem across the internet that investors can't ignore it.

My (ambitious) goal is that as a result of this social media blast day, we push into the top 20.

Ways to Help (on the day of the event)

  • The main way everyone can help is to plan on talking about Steem on the day of the event. Plan to post on Facebook, Twitter, Medium, Minds, Gab, memo.org, Instagram, Reddit, etc. (Wherever you have the opportunity to get the word out on Steem.) Go crazy!
  • Find articles on other platforms that are relevant to Steem, and reply to them with thoughtful comments that plug Steem in a non-spammy way.
  • Talk to any of your friends/family who are curious about investing in cryptocurrencies about investing in Steem.
  • If you have artistic skills, take a look at our meme contest.
  • If you have suggestions for "talking points" (positive things to say about Steem), share them here.

Discord Channel

If you are interested in helping out with the event, join our Discord channel: https://discord.gg/UHHQXz3

Advanced Ways to Help

  • If you have any contacts at hedge funds or other investment firms that are interested in cryptocurrencies, reach out to them.
  • If you are able to get an article published in a cryptocurrency publication, please reach out to us in our discord channel.
  • If you are interested in sponsoring paid advertisements, please reach out to us in our discord channel.


  • Promote, but don't spam.
  • Do not lie, mislead, or share untrue information.
  • Focus more on Steem as an investment than the blogging/end-user side.
  • Focus on Steem or all of the DApps built on the blockchain (not just “Steemit”).
  • Try to save as much of the activity as possible until the day of the event.


The morning of the event, we will be posting material that you can reference/use when talking about Steem. This will include a blog post that you can link to, pre-written text that you can post/tweet/etc, talking points that you can use to write articles, and of course - memes!

The Date

The "blast" will start on Monday September 3, 2018, at 11:00 am Eastern time (UTC-4). It will last for 24 hours. So everybody get ready to start talking about Steem!

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