STEEM to the Moon! ☽ (SteemBlast is Today) πŸ’₯ Everyone Read πŸ’₯

The day has arrived! Today is Invest in Steem Social Media Blast Day!

The goal of today's event is to coordinate a massive social media "blast", where everbody starts talking about how amazing Steem is - all at once. We want to generate as much "buzz" about Steem across the internet that investors can't ignore it.

  • Everybody can participate.
  • Everybody should participate :)
  • That includes you ;)
  • Instructions are below.

Our (ambitious) goal is that as a result of this social media blast day, we push into the top 20.

[image credit @midlet]

How to Participate:

Everybody is encouraged to participate in whatever ways they feel they can contribute. How you contribute is entirely up to you.

For some people, they will share information about Steem with their friends and family on Facebook. Others will write Reddit or Medium articles. There will be people participating in discussions on Disqus and answering questions about Steem. There will be paid advertisement campaigns being run (thanks to sponsorships from @curie, @yabapmatt, and @utopian-io). There will be influencers with lots of followers tweeting about Steem to their audiences. There will be tons of people talking about Steem everywhere they can. It is going to be a blast!


Find creative ways to talk about Steem and promote our blockchain/crytpcurrency project to the world.

Here are some suggestions of things you can do:

  • Talk about Steem on your social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
  • Like, retweet, and engage with other people who are posting and talking about Steem.
  • Reach out to people you know who may be interested in investing in crytpocurrency and talk to them about STEEM.
  • Engage in discussions on other platforms (Disqus, Reddit, etc.), and talk about Steem wherever it is relevant.
  • Create content on other platforms (such as Medium/Reddit/YouTube) that talks about Steem.
  • Tell everyone you know on Steem to participate in the the SteemBlast event.
  • Resteem this article (it is payout declined).

These are just examples. Think of all the different ways you can reach an audience of people who might be interested in Steem, and go for it! (Be creative.)

Steem Article

Here is an article with content to inform people about the Steem blockchain and STEEM cryptocurrency: It's time to start paying attention to Steem.

^ Everyone participating in the Steem Blast campaign is welcome to share this article, or take whatever they want from it and re-use in their own material for the campaign.

Links to the article on other platforms:

Here are resources you can use for your messaging:


  • Promote Steem, but don't spam.
  • Focus on STEEM as an investment (not on the blogging side).
  • Focus on the Steem blockchain or all the DApps built on Steem (not just β€œSteemit”).

Ways to increase your exposure:

  • Use the Steem Blast hashtag for Steem posts related to the campaign: #ssmbd
  • Join our Discord to share your Steem Blast related links:

It's time for STEEM to go VIRAL!!!


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