RAMBLING THOUGHTS: QUICK UPDATE from my "Crypto Mentor" Stan...


...at best, and lots of Down Days, I fired off a quick email to Stan. I have not heard from him nor contacted him lately so I was wondering about the info I had from prior emails. I told him of a new friend who was Holding on to a Specific Coin that had been PUMPED, and is now in the post DUMP period. The coin is Verge and my new un-named friend is still holding, but has a 15x Gain... Here is the reply from STAN:

Hi Rob,
Get in get out is never wrong, no sense waiting around to take profits. If you are up cover costs, take some profit
and move on. The best single ICO for me last year was Zero X 1800 in 20,000 out in 24 hours.
BTC is not going to be saved by Lightning/Segwit. Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin no matter what proponents say
I got lucky and sold Bitcoin the week before the major crash at about 10,300 I never hold it anyway
If I am holding Bitcoin I am cashing out ...I sell it... Ethereum is the hold.
I am waiting for 2 things right now KIN by KiK and DGD DAO other than that its about 30K of shitcoins
I have about 55Million KIN bought at the ICO ...you get about 40 of them for 1 cent ...good upside 15 Million people
a day will be using it... I am prepared to dump it and move along. Cardano has been breaking my heart but
I will be buying more with some profits. It's a place to park for a long term bet. I had been swing trading it but
got caught on the wrong side and have had to buy in lower just to bring my overall costs down. Its nothing major
but a good lesson. Getting tired of having to register on all of these new exchanges in order to trade some of
the shit coins. Its life. I have cashed out a little bit and will be cashing out more in May I think now with tax time
and all of the Bitcoin futures ...the market is going to be choppy and lower as people look to cash out and pay
taxes. 1099 forms will be in the mail I am sure already. Steady as she goes ...I do a lot of reading and research
and Ethereum and ~KIN and DGD DAO are my go to coins ...I will be dumping any KIN profits into DGD DAO and
some more Cardano. The second half of the year will be more fun. Let your friend do what he likes ...it's his lesson
to learn. We have both learned the hard way.

Steem is still going to do big things it's a model that works

don't overlook Ethereum please and don't be afraid to take something off the table.
Still having fun learning every day

SO, clearly looks like Tax Season is taking it's toll... Stan says 2nd Half of the year will be more fun, but I asked a specific follow up about MAYBE things start looking by the end of April or early May when "tax season" is winding up? I'm pretty sure it will be, then by the "2nd Half" things will be Roaring Again. I'll take ONE STAN over a Dozen Haejin's ANY DAY

Highlighted the STEEM Info, last paragraph! GREAT to Know, from the best Analyst I Know! Here's a graph Stan sent in another e-mail...
Market Placement in Time.png



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