What is a curation trail ?

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What is a curation trail ?

Today as a reply on one of our reports the question arose: "What is a curation trail ?"

I tried to sum it up like this:

"A curation trail means you join a trailer like @upv4life as follower and upvote every post the trailer upvotes - in our case you can even adjust with how much voting weight...

You must sign up here https://steemauto.com and then join the curationtrail @upv4life then you can adjust your settings (time to wait before casting your vote, votingweight your vote should have)

If you adjust voting weight to 1 % it will cost you max. aprox. 1,5 % of your voting power daily but every member of our curation pool (around 60 right now) will be upvoted whenever they post something...

If you adjust your weight at 60 % right now it will vote with the whole power you recover daily - so you don't have to or are not able to upvote other posts if you want to recover your full power in a 24 time period...

If you put your votingpower in our trail at 1 % you might not get big curation rewards right now, but you still will save an early place on the trail list because everyone joining after you will cast his vote after you and you will profit in your curation position of every vote cast after you...

Right now our curation trail has 8 members, so it would be good to join fast, before the rest of the 60 members does resp. everybody from outside the pool is also allowed to join...

There are curation trails with 200+ followers - that explains how you can find posts having xxx upvotes short after being published...

Joining our curation trail you will have the chance to be an early bird on a new uprising voting trail which may have xx or xxx or even someday xxxx members...

Other way round all our members of @upv4life will profit, because right now the get upv4life-upvote, upvote from my 2. account @honolulu and 7 more upvotes from our curation trail ;-)

You as follower of the curation trail will profit, because we just allow high quality content to join @upv4life so you have the chance to get some nice curation reward without searching for good posts to upvote

As the principle of Steemit is to establish manual upvotes which are not created by algorithm our solution is a 50/50 thing because on the one hand, the content our curation trail votes on is prepicked as we only allow authors with high quality content to join on the other hand votes are csted in automated way so it makes it easier and more efficent to cast your votes

And as you are free to set voting weight as you like you still can save some of your daily voting power (up to over 98,5 %) to vote manually, join further trails etc.

If you have further questions, feel free to ask...

Before asking further questions I would encourage you to check out https://steemauto.com - there is also an short video tutorial how to use it ;-)"

Thanks ;-)

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