5 Hours Left to Vote for STEEM - Come On

5 hours left - Go and Vote! Monero still ahead, Steem No. 2 ahead of ETH - but we can still even get XMR / Monero

Vote for the community, vote for Steem! Still some hours time to show we are the best community! Still possible that the No. 2 spot brings us to the final poll - but we need to vote and defend our ranking ahead of Ethereum

Please go to your Twitter Account and Vote for Steem!

This is the link to Vote!

If you do not have a Twitter account, create one!

How to create a Twitter account (1 - Video)

1 - Check this video out

How to create a Twitter account (2 - written instructions)

1 - Go to http://twitter.com and find the sign up box, or go directly to https://twitter.com/signup.
2 - Enter your full name, phone number, and a password.
3 - Click Sign up for Twitter.
4 - Once you've clicked Sign up for Twitter, you can select a username — type your own or choose one Twitter suggests.
5 - Double-check your name, phone number, password, and username.
6 - Click Create my account.
7 - Go to the poll (

) and vote for Steem
8 - Tell your friends to to the same

Why is this important?

BTCC 's CEO has created a poll on Twitter what coins / tokens they should support moving forward. This is really one of the most important actions we can do as community - vote for Steem - let us make this happen, we ALL would benefit from this. We have the single advantage of being a very close and great community!

BTCC is a Chinese Crypto Exchange and could bring Steem to the next level, Steem could become really HUGE. Steemians Unite!

And again - spread this poll to everyone on steemit or EVEN better to everyone on Twitter you know.

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