Monero took the lead from Steem - we need More Votes

Steemians - keep on Voting - Monero did overtake us!

Seems we kicked Ehereum a lot but now Monero striking back! 2 days left to vote - please go to your Twitter Account and Vote for Steem!

This is the link to Vote!

If you do not have a Twitter account, create one - here again some instructions from Twitter directly (if you prefer video check my post from yesterday):

1 - Go to and find the sign up box, or go directly to
2 - Enter your full name, phone number, and a password.
3 - Click Sign up for Twitter.
4 - Once you've clicked Sign up for Twitter, you can select a username — type your own or choose one Twitter suggests.
5 - Double-check your name, phone number, password, and username.
6 - Click Create my account.
7 - Go to the poll (

) and vote for Steem
8 - Tell your friends to to the same

Why is this important?

BTCC 's CEO has created a poll on Twitter what coins / tokens they should support moving forward. This is really one of the most important actions we can do as community - vote for Steem - let us make this happen, we ALL would benefit from this. We have the single advantage of being a very close and great community!

BTCC is a Chinese Crypto Exchange and could bring Steem to the next level, Steem could become really HUGE. Steemians Unite!

And again - spread this poll to everyone on steemit or EVEN better to everyone on Twitter you know.

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