How it Feels to Fully Dedicate Your Life To Your Goals

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In this post, I will describe you how it feels to post on Steem every day for 40 days in a row without a break.

I am bored today because I have finished my checklist for today.

Boredom affects everyone, some more some less. But it affects everyone. When you are a man or a woman on a mission you are still bored. "Why?"

Because when you have goals, when you are on a mission and when you have made a decision to reach a goal (100000 Steem Power) then you become what you are doing to reach that goal.

Right now I probably outdo even the most hardworking writers on this planets because I am fully dedicated to this goal. I am easily writing 10000 words per day. I could probably write a fucking Harry Potter book in 1 week.

The only things that I do besides working on my Steem goal are going to the gym 4 times per week, playing the guitar for 10 minutes per day and translating documents to pay my apartment and my food.

Together that takes only 3 hours per day, which means I have 10-11 hours per day to write, on free days (no workouts) I have 13 hours.

And I am often bored, bored to reply in a high quality every damn time all the time. But I have no other choice. I have made my decision and now I have to stick with it and I will not betray myself and my mission.

But this is not the only feeling you experience when you fully dedicate yourself to a goal...


Uncertainty is the next crushing feeling you will experience when you stop working 9-5 and dedicate yourself to yourself. Just like Odin when he hung himself on the world tree to know more.

You will not know if you are able to feed yourself this month, you will not know if you will reach your goal because life does not play fair.

You could lose the ability to write. You could die, Steemit goes offline. A lot of unfair things could happen to us.

"Will I ever make it" is what you will often ask yourself when you plateau, when you lose, when life fucks with you.

However, you have dedicated yourself fully to it, you have made a decision that you will work till you reach your goal however you fucking feel.

Which brings me to the next emotion that you will have to deal with on your way towards the finish line.



Frustration is not a feeling that you often experience but when you experience it....
Then it will fucking crush you. It will crush you so hard that you will end up in the hospital because the stress is just getting too much for you to handle.

Your cortisol levels go through the roof, your estrogen levels may even rise when you are restless and don't pay attention to what you eat and much more fucked up things will happen when you are frustrated for a long soul-crushing time.

Frustration is like a plateau, nothing will change till you change something. Deal with the restlessness & start watching what you eat.

Show that fucking frustration who the captain of your motherfucking soul is, who the fucking captain of this ship is. Show that bitch you are INVICTUS & that you will not be beaten.

It is your duty to change something when you meet frustration. Frustration has a root and it must be pulled out of the hard earth and purged in the fire.



Feelings are feelings. I tell you a secret now that nobody ever told you:

To become a master of something, you have to master your emotions. And you master your emotions by pushing through them and still doing the work however you feel. This is how I am able to write every day like a fucking zealot that works to see his god.

I can write every day because I scream at myself internally to do the work.

If I feel sick I take some medication and get back to work.

If I feel bored I laugh about that because boredom is easy to beat compared to frustration because it goes away by itself.

Uncertainty ain't no strong opponent either because I know that I am going to make it. Why?

Because I have made a decision.

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