My Road to 100000 Steem Power & Self-Improvement Log Day 39

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This is my journey towards 100000 Steem Power Day 39 with no prior investments! Meaning I started on Steem with 0 account value!). I am a very dedicated individual and I want you guys to be a part of my journey to get you motivated and to learn from my mistakes!

Besides my daily description of what I did to reach that goal today, I will also use this as a "journal" to keep track of my other personal goals.

If you have any suggestions, want to help or work together with me or just want to leave feedback then just write that in the comments.

What I did Today to Reach my Goal

Good fucking day ladies & gentlemen. Today I wrote a post to get rid of "Steempression" which you can read HERE.

Besides that, I wrote the 30 comments and this post is almost done as well.


Personal Goals

Guitar Mastery - Play 90% of the Song "Asylum" by "Disturbed" successfully by July 2018
Day 7 of practicing part 4. Touched 90% speed today my friends. I realized that I play much better after I come back home from the gym. The increased Testosterone helps me to play more confidently.


Training - Reach 90KG with 12% Bodyfat by July 2018
Chest-biceps day. Before I start progressing with the weight I will have to manage to lift the same weight on the next 3 chest-biceps day in a row, otherwise I won't increase the weight.

So far I am on a pretty good way to increase the weight of all the exercises from the chest-biceps day.


Politically Incorrect Steemians

I will write multiple posts about this group in the future. The politically incorrect Steemians will be a Discord Server where free speech is holy.

I will not allow everyone on the server. You will have to do the following to be able to become a member:

  1. Be on Steemit since 60 days
  2. At least 1 post every 2nd day
  3. Able to speak & write English
  4. You will have to put my account in Steemvoter (100% automatic upvotes on my account)

Why you have to add me to the Steemvoter rules? Because I will actively maintain that server, you will be able to say what you want and you will receive 2 guaranteed upvotes and comments on your posts. That is why I want 100% automatic upvotes.

I will create a video on how to use Steem automatic upvotes soon (it just takes 1-2 minutes to set up).

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I woke up at 06:30 today. It seems that I always get out of the bed at 05:00 and 06:30. I blame my bad sleep for that. I will buy Melatonin next month & see how that turns out. Till then the supplements will start to show their full effect. Maybe my sleep problems will be gone then.

Anyway, I am a MGTOW! That means men going their own way. I live single on purpose so that I can reach my goals. It is not like I have a problem with women, it is just that they are distracting.

I won't talk about my sexual life. That is none of your business. Here is a video where I talk about MGTOW which I recorded after the gym.

Get More Upvotes & Followers: Steemfollower

My Previous Post: Manhandling Steempression

My Website: Youtube Channel


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