My Road to 100000 Steem Power & Self-Improvement Log Day 65

This is my journey towards 100000 Steem Power Day 65 with no prior investments! Meaning I started on Steem with 0 account value!). I am a very dedicated individual and I want you guys to be a part of my journey to get you motivated and to learn from my mistakes!

Besides my daily description of what I did to reach that goal today, I will also use this as a "journal" to keep track of my other personal goals.

If you have any suggestions, want to help or work together with me or just want to leave feedback then just write that in the comments.

What I did Today to Reach my Goal

Today I created a video & post on how to create trending videos on DTube and how to use DTube in general. I have set a new standard with that video & post. You have to check this video & post out if you intend to use DTube (which is easy money at the moment). You can read the post HERE. Or just watch the video only version below.


Personal Goals

Guitar Mastery - Play 90% of the Song "Asylum" by "Disturbed" successfully by July 2018
Day 13 of practicing part 7. I am getting slightly more comfortable with alternate picking. I predict that I am able to play this part at 90% speed in around 10 days.


Training - Reach 90KG with 12% Bodyfat by July 2018
Rest day.


Politically Incorrect Steemians

We had a discussion if meditation is useful. The conclusion was that meditation is good for people who don't realize that they can control their primitive brain and that it becomes useless once you are able to do that on a daily basis.

Besides that we have 2 new people on the server and @Ellievallie is now a sorceress (member). The team becomes stronger, richer and smarter again.


You can join the politically incorrect Steemians Discord server by clicking on the following link:



I woke up at 11:30 again today and took a Modafinil. I am grinding at the moment and already did more today than I usually manage to do.

It is whiter than Tony Montana's table outside. The wind is soul piercing and lifts up the laying snow into the air causing snow storms. Everything just got more tougher with the winter.

Winter is the time where the weak fall and the strong shine. It also forges strong spirits that embrace hardship.

That is all for today. Here is some positive brainwashing for all you Steemians:

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My Previous Post: How to Use DTube & Create Trending Videos

My Website: Youtube Channel



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