My Road to 100000 Steem Power & Self-Improvement Log Day 67


This is my journey towards 100000 Steem Power Day 67 with no prior investments! Meaning I started on Steem with 0 account value!). I am a very dedicated individual and I want you guys to be a part of my journey to get you motivated and to learn from my mistakes!

Besides my daily description of what I did to reach that goal today, I will also use this as a "journal" to keep track of my other personal goals.

If you have any suggestions, want to help or work together with me or just want to leave feedback then just write that in the comments.
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What I did Today to Reach my Goal

I have never been less in the mood to post on Steem. Actually I feel like slippin today. But feels are just feels remember? Fuck feelings, they are my enemy. Except rage & hate, they have been and continue to be really helpful. Here is the prove in video and post format. You can also just watch the video only version below.

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Personal Goals

Guitar Mastery - Play 90% of the Song "Asylum" by "Disturbed" successfully by July 2018
Day 14 of practicing part 7. Today I repeated the exercise from yesterday and I will do that as well tomorrow. Alternate picking becomes easier and easier but it is far from natural. The grind continues.

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Training - Reach 90KG with 12% Bodyfat by July 2018
Chest and Biceps day. Listened to some good old Wagner today. The Nibelungen. An opera about the Norse Gods. That shit makes you smile at death.

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Politically Incorrect Steemians

Today I shared another Steem secret with the group so only us could take advantage of it. 1 new person joined the server today but he seems to have trouble with his Internet so he is gone for now.

I also almost have 10K SP, that means that I will start the reward system soon.

You can join the politically incorrect Steemians Discord server by clicking on the following link:

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I woke up at 10:30 again today so the modafinil does not really help to get me up. If the Melatonin which I will hopefully get soon arrives and that doesn't help either then I will officially label it a lack of willpower and discipline from my side.

Besides that, there was a lot of drama caused by other people around me today. On Steem, in real life and in my head, however, honor forbids that I talk shit about them.

Today wasn't an easy day but listening to Götterdämmerung by Wagner made it much much easier. A true German master.
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