The Steemit Success Formula to Earn Big in Just 365 Days

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This formula applies to all things you want to make big money with. It perfectly works on Steem as well.

Before I write about the formula... I am now writing for 60 days in a row on Steem (I joined in August 2017), I have a Steem Power of 1500 and a reputation of 57 + I know someone who did it even faster.

@NairaDaddy joined Steem in October 2017 and he has a reputation 58 and 3000 Steem Power! Where is your fucking god now?

Just 2 fucking months. Now multiply that times 6 and he will have a reputation of 70 and 21000 Steem Power (If he continues doing what he does and receiving the same amount of upvotes).

He will 100% receive more comments and upvotes the longer he is on Steem so reputation 70 and 21000 Steem ain't even realistic anymore. It will probably be 72 and 40000 Steem Power.

With that reputation and 40000 Steem Power he will be one of the big guys here on Steem. @NairaDaddy is a very hard working man, a superb networker and a fast learner - A powerful combination.


A Case of Success

Check out the profile @everittdmickey. That crazy man writes every damn day for over a year now. This is what I call serious disciplined, steadfastness and patience.

Without further analyzing his Steem history you can be absolutely sure to get a high reputation of 70 and 10.000 Steem Power in just a fucking year.

Most people don't realize how awesome that is. Compare it with blogging on your own homepage. It is very likely that you will not even make a fucking dollar with the blog on your website!

Here on Steem you can become one of the big guys in just a year (that is nothing compared to how long you need to succeed with a blog in 2017).

Speaking of years, it will only get harder to succeed with Steem as many people from all over the world are joining this platform. So you better start grinding today to fortify your position when more people join Steem.

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The Everlasting Winning Formula

The everlasting formula to succeed with anything in life is the following (especially true for Steem):

Discipline + Steadfastness + Networking + Patience = Success

Discipline = Writing 2 posts every damn day no matter what the fuck happens in your life or however you fucking feel. If you have a reason to make big player money then you will put the fucking work in 24/7. Only the lazy stay poor.

Steadfastness = Staying with Steem even when the price drops to $0.01 or when you made no progress in the last month. Most people nowadays quit at any fucking plateau or when they are damn bored. Don't be one of those weak-willed beings.

Networking = This is where I suck and where @NairaDaddy excels. That guy is just nice to everyone and he has incredible people skills. @everittdmickey and me on the other side don't give a fuck if we hurt some feelings, in fact, that is exactly how we roll. But still, strengthen the relationships that you already have on Steem and you will make more cash together with your allies!

Patience = Don't fucking quit after 6 months. You signed up for at least 1 year. After a year you won't be a minnow anymore and you will belong to the big players. After 2 years of posting every damn day and networking like @Nairadaddy everyone here on Steem will know you.

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Bonus Tips

-Write good content
-Forge strong relationships on Steem
-Write 20-50 high-quality comments per day
-Write 2 posts per day
-Use Minnowbooster to get your posts into the hot section (more visibility)
-The first sentence of your post, the thumbnail & the title have to be outstanding
-Join Steemfollower to get more followers (high follower numbers look great)
-Do what you say you will do
-Be consistent
-Be transparent
-Use a specific thumbnail design so people can recognize you
-Document your improvement in a hobby or on Steem on a daily basis
-Don't be an ass-kisser "I love whales"
-Write posts about your favorite "followers" and ask them to resteem that
-Research & learn 30 minutes every day about Steem to increase your Steemit profits
-Proofread before you hit publish
-Always reply to comments & continue conversations (suggested by @goldendawne)
-Use Discord and the Steem chat to form more connections (suggested by @dickturpin)
-Don't beg for upvotes, resteem, follows or comments (suggested by @frostyamber)
-Write about your passion! Add emotion to your posts! (suggested by @braveboat)
-Build a strong community
-Invest into Steem! (Suggested by @holbein81)
-Help to improve Steem itself in some way (Suggested by @holbein81)
-Post into challenges and contests (Suggested by @FitinFun)
-Keep your power up when you do vote. (Suggested by @FitinFun)


Get More Upvotes & Followers: Steemfollower

My Previous Post: Road to 100000 Steem Power Day 60

My Website: Youtube Channel



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