🗞 Daily Crypto News, September, 22nd💰

  • CME Group to Launch Options on Bitcoin Futures in Q1 2020 ;
  • WATCH: The State of Security Tokens in Asia ;
  • Crypto and the Latency Arms Race: Crypto Exchanges and the HFT Crowd ;
  • BitMEX CEO Arthur Hayes Says Traders Could Lose Weekends, Lunch Breaks ;
  • Wells Fargo’s Stablecoin ‘Faster, Cheaper’ Than SWIFT, Says Exec ;
  • 📑 Daily Crypto Calendar, September, 22nd💰
  • STEEM Trading Update

Welcome to the Daily Crypto News: A complete Press Review, Coin Calendar and Trading Analysis. Enjoy!

🗞 CME Group to Launch Options on Bitcoin Futures in Q1 2020

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Group is adding options to its Bitcoin (BTC) futures contracts in the first quarter of 2020, pending regulatory review.

The development was announced in a news release on Sept. 20.
“Flexibility to hedge Bitcoin price risk”

Tim McCourt — CME Group Global Head of Equity Index and Alternative Investment Products — said:

"Based on increasing client demand and robust growth in our Bitcoin futures markets, we believe the launch of options will provide our clients with additional flexibility to trade and hedge their bitcoin price risk."

🗞 WATCH: The State of Security Tokens in Asia

CoinDesk’s Christine Kim sat down with Dalma Capital Management CEO Zachary Cefaratti,

🗞 Crypto and the Latency Arms Race: Crypto Exchanges and the HFT Crowd

Carrying on from an earlier post about the evolution of high frequency trading (HFT), how it can harm markets and how crypto exchanges are responding, here we focus on the potential longer-term impact on the crypto ecosystem.

First, though, we need to focus on the state of HFT in a broader context.
Conventional markets are adopting anti-latency arbitrage mechanisms

In conventional markets, latency arbitrage has increased toxicity on lit venues and pushed trading volumes over-the-counter or into dark pools. In Europe, dark liquidity has increased in spite of efforts by regulators to clamp down on it. In some markets, regulation has actually contributed to this. Per the SEC:

“Using the Nasdaq market as a proxy, [Regulation] NMS did not seem to succeed in its mission to increase the display of limit orders in the marketplace. We have seen an increase in dark liquidity, smaller trade sizes, similar trading volumes, and a larger number of “small” venues.”

🗞 BitMEX CEO Arthur Hayes Says Traders Could Lose Weekends, Lunch Breaks

BitMEX CEO and co-founder Arthur Hayes says traditional traders may lose their lunch breaks and weekends as digital finance is going to change everything, including workplaces.

Cryptocurrencies trade 24/7

In a Sept. 19 article by Bloomberg, Hayes noted that cryptocurrencies trade 24 hours a day, seven days a week — and claimed this will end up affecting “everything from traditional equities, bonds and currency trading, to the way payments are processed and recorded.”

The CEO of BitMex made his remarks at the Milken Institute Asia Summit in Singapore, where he added that “traders may even lose their lunch breaks and weekends as traditional assets absorb some characteristics of digital ones.” Hayes added:

“Some of the practices in our market are going to be mimicked in traditional trading [...] All these things about being somewhere and trading something and physically reconciling records is all going to go out the window. Once you get away from that and understand that everything will be digital in the next 10 years, you realize that Bitcoin isn’t such a strange idea.”

🗞 Wells Fargo’s Stablecoin ‘Faster, Cheaper’ Than SWIFT, Says Exec

Banking giant Wells Fargo says its blockchain for internal cross-border money transfers is faster and more efficient than SWIFT, the global messaging system used by over 11,000 financial institutions.

Unveiled this week, Wells Fargo Digital Cash uses R3’s Corda Enterprise software to handle internal book transfers, when funds move from a payer’s account to a payee’s account at the same bank.

“When we move money across the world and we need to exchange currencies, we have to go through third parties such as SWIFT and other banks,” said Lisa Frazier, head of the Innovation Group at Wells Fargo. “That’s a long process and every time there’s a connection with external parties, it takes time and energy and effort.”

📑 Daily Crypto Calendar, September, 22nd💰

  • Pundi X (NPXS)

"To continue spreading the awareness of #crypto usage, @PundiXLabs_jp will organize another [XPOS transaction] on Sep 22."

  • TCS Token (TCS)

The Crypto School win burn 6000TCS.

  • Auxilium (AUX)

Finishing the final round of legal documentation.


STEEM Trading Update by my friend @cryptopassion

Here is the chart of yersterday :


Here is the current chart :


Not usual but it happens sometimes, we are making a slow UP on the STEEM only with red candles. However, we will be soon at the level of a a double TOP and if the BTC is continuing to correct, I don't expect that the STEEM will continue this UP. However, a break of the previous TOP should send us quiet quickly on the resistance line around 0.18$.

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