Introducing dMania: 9GAG on Steem - Make money with memes

Dear Steem community,

I discovered Steemit just 2 months ago and was fascinated that a website and a community like that are even possible. I immediately recognised the huge potential and the possibilities that Steemit provides.
When I saw the posts about @dtube and @dsound, I knew I had to create something myself to help the community grow and give the Steem community something unique that hasn’t been created before.
So I present to you

>>> dMania <<<

What is dMania?

dMania is basically 9GAG on Steem. You can post memes, funny pictures, gifs or your favorite cute kitten pictures. dMania allows you to browse through those pictures in an easy and user friendly way.
Because dMania is based on the Steem blockchain, you can make money by posting, commenting or upvoting posts. That means you can actually make money with memes 😉.

Steemit is a great platform, but it isn’t perfect for every kind of content. Steemit is great for blog posts just like on Reddit or Medium. For other kind of content, Steemit isn’t the best choice. That is why there is a need for other apps on Steem like @dtube, @dsound, @chainBB and now @dmania.

For a lot of people (me included) writing blog posts isn't easy. Many aren't talented writers, their native language isn't english or they just are not interested in writing blog posts. dMania provides them an alternative with memes.
Memes are simple, everybody likes them and everybody can make them. They are an easier form to express your opinion or your thoughts.
On dMania you are not just limited to memes. You can post anything that you think is interesting or funny. A post on dMania only consists of a title and a picture. This way a lot of people who were just consuming content can become content creators themselfs.

There is already a meme category on Steemit, but you can not browse through memes like on 9GAG or other meme sites. I am a big fan of 9GAG and I love to look at memes all day long. I could not do that on Steemit. So I had to create my own version of 9GAG on Steem.
The name dMania means decentralized mania or dollar mania and describes the upcoming trend towards decentralized platforms with direct monetization and rewards for their users.

When I was creating dMania, I took the best parts from 9GAG and Steemit to create something better. The current version is just an early alpha version and I am going to improve it in the upcoming weeks and months.
Just like @dtube and @dsound, @dmania collects 25% of the rewards. Those rewards will be used to fund further development and cover the costs for hosting.

How to use dMania?

  1. Go to
  2. Click login
  3. Enter your Steem username
  4. Enter your private posting key.
    You can find your private posting key in your Steemit wallet -> Permissions -> Show private posting key:

dMania won't allow logins with your Steem master key.  It just isn't safe and you shouldn't give away your master key to anybody else.

Hot, Trending and New

dMania has three categories for memes: Hot, Trending and New. I switched the Hot and Trending category from Steemit, because I think Hot should be more important than Trending. 9gaggers are also used to the fact that a post on Hot page is the highest achievement in life. 

Upvote and Flagging

Upvoting works basically like on Steemit. To adjust your voting power, click on the power symbol in the upper right corner.
Just like on Steemit, only users with at least 1 million Vests in their accounts will be able to adjust their voting power. Everybody else will always vote with 100%.

I changed the behaviour of flagging or downvoting from Steemit. In my opinion an upvote is basically a tip.  You can decide how much the post should be rewarded. On Steemit you can also adjust your voting power for flagging or downvoting. It will decrease the payout and therefore indirectly remove a tip from another user. You can't take away a tip that was given to someone from another person in real life and neither should you be able to on Steem.

Flagging on dMania should only be used to mark inappropriate content that should be removed. A flag on dMania is a downvote with minimal voting power. If you dislike a post, just don’t vote. Only flag the post if you think it should be removed.
I think it is the better and fairer voting system. It won’t allow a whale to just remove all rewards that you have collected from hundreds of other users.
The more upvotes a post has, the harder it will be to remove it. A post with zero upvotes can be easily removed with a few flags. A post with hundreds or thousands of upvotes will need a lot of flags to remove it.
The dMania community (or dManiacs as I like to call them 😜) will decide what should be visible on dMania and what shouldn’t. I will never censor or remove any posts by myself.
All posts that are flagged and not visible anymore are still stored in the Steem blockchain and are accessible by everyone. 

Posting on dMania

To create a post you only have to provide a title and a picture. You can upload a picture from your device, drag and drop it or just provide the URL to the picture. All pictures are hosted on Google Firebase Hosting. In the future dMania will probably switch to IPFS. For now I think most IPFS hosting solutions do not provide the availability and performance that is needed to provide fast loading times for all users. I think solutions like EOS Storage are going to change that and dMania will use them when they are ready.
If you don’t want that your pictures are hosted directly on dMania, just upload the image to some image hoster of your choice and provide the URL to the image.


I designed the dMania user interface as simple as possible. The main focus is on watching memes and having a good time.

I want that users are able to use dMania on any device. dMania is a progressive web app that will adjust to your device. You can watch memes on your smartphone, tablet, notebook or desktop. There is still a lot of work to do, to make it look really good on all devices. I will try to optimize the site for all devices in the upcoming weeks and months.
If you think something can be improved or you have some ideas for new features, just tell me and I will try to make it better.

Meme Mania

I just started a new Meme Challenge on dMania called Meme Mania. I think meme challenges or meme contests are a great idea. They bring new people to the Steem ecosystem.
All rewards from the meme challenge posts and most rewards from dMania are going to be used to fund the next meme challenges. This is just the beginning. I want to reward dManiacs with hundreds or even thousands of Steem dollars with Meme Mania. Together we can do this.

The winner of the first meme challenge gets 50 SBD !!!! For the details go to Meme Mania Challenge

Upcoming features

I started developing dMania just a few weeks ago. The current version is an early alpha version. A lot of features are still missing to make it as good as 9GAG or even better. To support dMania, upvote this post or create and upvote posts on dMania. I have a full time job and can only work on dMania in my spare time. If things are going well and you guys keep upvoting, maybe I can start working full time on dMania 😍

The features I am going to work on: 

  • Profile Page
    A user profil page with all posts, upvotes and comments from the user.
  • SteemconnectV2
    The login with the private posting key is cumbersome, especially on mobile. SteemconnectV2 is going to provide an easier and safer way to login on Steem apps. I will integrate SteemconnectV2 when it is ready.
  • Videos
    Looped videos like on 9GAG would make dMania a lot more fun (They call them GIFs on 9GAG, but they are just looped videos).
  • Comment Preview
    A comment preview for markdowns and images just like on Steemit.
  • Custom Tags
    At the moment all posts are tagged with dmania and meme. In the future you will be able to tag your posts with custom tags. There will be dynamic tag pages based on the latest most favourite tags.
  • Following and Follower
    Follow your favourite meme poster on your own feed page.
  • dMania App
    An Android and iPhone app would greatly improve the experience on mobile devices. 
  • True dezentralization
    At the moment the app and images are still hosted on a server. I will try to make dMania truly decentralized in the future. 

Bringing down the giant

I have been a 9gagger for years and I still love 9GAG, but there are a lot of things that can be improved.
9GAG is censored and the admins decide what should be visible on the platform and what shouldn't. In my opinion the community alone should decide what should stay and what should be removed.

With dMania I tried to provide a familiar platform for 9gaggers. I want to bring as many 9gaggers to dMania and Steem as I can. It will be a better version of 9GAG when it is finished. Browse memes, have fun and earn money by doing so. Want else could you want?

dMania is going to bring down the meme giant 9GAG and will become the best meme website out there.

Last words

I hope you like what I have created so far. I would really appreciate some feedback. Tell me what you like and what you think can be improved. Post your feedback in the comments or contact me on the steemit chat.

dMania on Twitter

dMania on Facebook

To support dMania resteem and upvote this post and follow dMania on Twitter and Facebook. Go spread the word, a new sheriff is in town 😉.

I hope you guys will all become dManiacs

Go fun(d) yourself

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