Share your dMania Posts on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Pinterest

I have just uploaded a new version of dMania that enables social media sharing. Sharing posts on others sites was one important feature that was still missing.
You can now share your memes on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Pinterest.

It may look like that I just added a few buttons, but I had to change quite a lot to make it work. Before the change, dMania was running completely on the client without a webserver. Unfortunately it is not possible to enable social media sharing when the app runs completely on the client.

Now dMania runs a webserver that sets all necessary header tags for sharing. Everything else still runs on the client side. I also changed the hosting environment from Google Firebase to Google Cloud.

With the new changes you will also get a preview of the post and the image when you post on Skype, Discord or any other chat.

Share your memes

It would be great when everyone shares their dMania memes on other social media sites. If we do that, we will bring more people to dMania and Steem. That will increase the value of Steem and everyone will benefit.
Maybe I will reward users who successfully share their posts on other sites and bring a lot of new users to dMania. I still have to think of some system how to do that.

Support dMania

If you like dMania then you should become a dMania supporter. dMania supporters receive 15% of the rewards on dMania. To become a dMania supporter, you have to delegate some Steem Power to dMania. The minimum is only 5 Steem Power. By delegating Steem Power, you are lending your Steem Power to dMania. The Steem Power still belongs to you.
The dMania bot uses the collected Steem Power to upvote posts on dMania.


There are already over 50 dMania supporters.


















and many more...

If you have any questions join our new Discord server

Please upvote, post and comment on dMania to support this project. Every single upvote counts. You can contact me on or discord if you find any bugs or if you have ideas for new features. Please resteem and upvote this post and tell everyone you know who likes memes about dMania. Together we can make Steem and dMania great. Follow @dmania and @zombee to get the latest updates about this project. 

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