Become a hero of reality show and go around the world with Steemit

Around the World Steem Adventure

The influx of new steem members is very impressive. But what`s important is that the growth of this community can be profitable for everyone! The more participants and followers it has - the bigger the capitalization of STEEMIT the bigger the profit for authors and long term investors.

And we have an idea! Millions of people, who don`t even know what crypto-currency is, are dreaming of travelling. What if Steemit in collaboration with World Travel Community ( can set an inspiring example?

An example of how popular a travelling blog can be: - 1 813 565 subscribers • 216 533 162 views

I`m one of the participants of a travel community and together we can elaborate every day and make it super fulfilled for our travelers. We want to create something outstanding, something that can inspire thousands of people! We want make this project our baby who`s gonna grow and flourish and will definitely keep us happy along the way.

All the funds received from posts with the hashtag #steemadventure will be sent to support Steem Adventure. And if the support is gonna be more than we expected we can send more travelers and even arrange a competition among them. It`s gonna be a kind of reality online channel (Better than Kardashians, hehe ;)))


Conditions of participation in the Steemit travelling contest

  • Anyone can participate in the contest, if he or she speaks English and has an international passport;
  • The candidates fill out a form (link) and record two videos: a video review of their city in any style and a video greeting where they tell about their dream, say why it’s them who should go on the journey as well as explain their understanding of the Steemit project;
  • The team of MapalaNet travelers community will conduct a pre-selection of candidates and the Steemit community will choose one man and one woman from 7 candidates that will go on the journey.

The blog format

  • The blog will be kept on several platforms: Steemit, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook;
  • Every week a report video about the adventure of the travellers will be posted and every day new photos will appear and live sessions will be conducted.


  • The budget forms from publications in Steem with a #SteemAdventure tag;
  • Besides the journey expenses, the budget is used for promotion of the blog, interaction with popular YouTube authors, contests among the subscribers, etc.

What’s next?

  • Steem Adventure is our common project, feel free to contribute to it with your proposals, support it with your votes and comments;
  • Your forms will be accepted till August 14. The link to the form:
  • After the forms are examined and interviews are conducted, the 7 candidates for the community voting will be determined.

Tell us if you`d like to travel with Steemit! Where would you like to go? What kinda trip it`d be like?

Share your dreams with us and the project will take off instantly!

Fill out the form to the candidates and go on a journey!

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