
Official Call For Foundation Structure Proposals


These proposals are for the actual structure of the community foundation and NOT for funding project proposals. We must first build the foundation before funding can even be considered.

The Working Group does not have any specific requirements for proposals, as we want to keep it as open as possible. But the proposals must establish specifics of how the foundation will run.

We have also included a Proposal Structure Example at the end of this post.

Each proposal should be based on the actual goal of the yet to be determined foundation though, which is to help to push Steem to the mainstream arena.

Proposal Process

  • Proposals will come in two-week rounds. Each round is a chance to get feedback and adjust the proposals accordingly. We expect that those making proposals will identify and act on opportunities to collaborate in an effort to create the strongest proposals possible.

  • Town halls will be scheduled at the end of each round to discuss incoming proposals and general direction.

  • Tentatively, proposals will be frozen in six weeks, and will be put up for on-chain election.

  • The time line can change if the working group determines that the process needs more time.

  • We ask that each group that will be writing a proposal to please let us know in the comments or in The Steem Alliance Discord Server.

Details Of The Proposal Process

The goal of these proposals is for us, the community, to come up with the most beneficial structure of this foundation that we possibly can. In order to do so, we believe we need to allow time for feedback as well as collaboration.

With this in mind, The Working group will be splitting this process up into (3) 2-week time periods or “stages”. With the goal being that these proposals will evolve and improve during this time due to the feedback they are receiving from the community itself. This also allows time for individuals writing proposals to be able to see other proposals and possibly lead to multiple designs being combined (by those designing them) to make something even better through collaboration.

This after all is not a competition, but rather the community coming together to try to build something that will be beneficial for us all.

Stage One (Feb 14th- Feb. 28th)

The goal in this stage is to start the planning of your structure proposal (if you haven’t already) while opening it up to the community as much as you can. By the end of this 2-week period we expect for each group to be able to present an overview to the public.

  • While all the specific details may not be known yet, you should be able to at least explain your goals, your overall idea of how to achieve them and a description of how your proposed structure would work.

Then you will make a post publicly to present your idea, and may begin to collect feedback from the community. We would also encourage anyone who would like to, to include a dtube video to “present” your proposal in your post. This of course is all optional but might help for more individuals to hear and understand your proposal.

At the end of this stage the posts will be gathered and put on the @steemalliance blog to make them all easy to access. We will also hold a townhall meeting to answer questions and ensure everyone is aware of the goals and process at hand.

Please use the tag #foundationproposal on your post at the end of each stage.

Have an idea, but are looking to collaborate? Use the tag #proposalcollaboration to help to find others looking to do the same.

Stage Two (March 1st - March 15th)

This stage is about getting into more detail and working on how you will actually implement the idea that you have brought forward. We hope you will be taking the feedback from the community and improving upon things based on it.

  • At the end of this period you should be able to present a more structured look at your proposal idea while also having enough detail to show that it is something that is in fact doable.

At the end of this stage the proposals will be gathered into one post and put on the @steemalliance blog to make them all easy to access. We will also hold a townhall meeting to answer questions and ensure everyone is aware of the goals and process at hand.

Please use the tag #foundationproposal on your post at the end of each stage.

Stage 3 (March 16th- 30th)

This is the final stage and in this time you should be fine tuning your proposal while trying to listen to beneficial community feedback and working towards improving your structure as much as possible.

  • By the end of this stage you are expected to have your final proposal finished and the details needed included. This will be the proposal that goes to the vote, It needs to be complete.

There will be an announcement for the “FINAL CALL” for proposals to be submitted with a set time and date for a deadline. After this pre-determined time, no more proposals will be accepted, and no additional changes can be made before the election starts. This will be the “freeze point” and then we will be moving on to the vote itself.

After the official proposals have been submitted, they will be gathered into one post on the @steemalliance post so it is easy to see these final structures proposals that will be included in the election.

We will then have a townhall meeting at this point to announce the final proposals that will go for a vote, as well as explain in detail how the election will take place. This of course will be announced on chain too, but in the spirit of open communication we will do so in voice, and then post that as well.

What will The Working Group be doing during this?

The goal for the group will be to gather these proposals in one place during each stage to make it easier for individuals to find, while also trying to “check in” with each proposal team to ensure their questions are met. Another goal will be to try to connect beneficial feedback to the groups themselves and act as a liaison to ensure that communication is openly flowing. We will continue with the weekly town halls but will have a “check in” at the end of each stage. At this time we will post the proposals gathered on the @steemalliance blog to try to get them seen as much as possible.

The Working Group will also continue to plan how the election for these proposals will take place and will update the public on that process itself.

Important facts:

  • Payouts of these posts will not have any relevance on any part of this process.

  • Feedback is only feedback and can be implemented or ignored by each group, that is up to them. Even though as this will be decided by a vote, we hope each group tries to listen to constructive feedback and use it to improve their proposal.

  • All groups will be able to submit a final proposal at the end stage.

Proposal Structure

In order to make this as organized and easy to understand as possible, we have come up with some open ended questions to not only help individuals build their proposals but to help the community be able to compare them. We suggest that a proposal address the following considerations, but they are not strictly required if they do not apply to the specific proposal.

Working Title - What is the name you’re using for this structure design?

Team - Who is a part of the design team of your structure proposal?

Overview/ Executive Summary- In a few paragraphs describe, in simple terms, your structure design and its purpose.

Purpose - What is the primary purpose of your structure?

Primary Benefit(s) (of this structure) - What are the benefits of your structure design? What problems does it solve? How does it benefit the community?

Mission/Vision - What are the goals in this proposed foundation and how will they be achieved? What Will it look like?

Organizational Structure - What will the actual structure of the foundation look like?

Foundation Members - How will the members of the foundation and their roles be decided? What will the proposed duration of the members service be?

Leadership - If the structure calls for a leadership structure; What will the leadership look like within the foundation? Will there be multiple levels of leadership? How is that specifically structured?

Community Involvement/Communication - What role does the community play in your structure? How will they be represented? How will communication be kept open?

Accountability - How will this foundation (under your structure) hold themselves accountable to the community? How, if any, will the community be able to remove members if they fail to hold true to the principles and mission put forth by the approved structure?

Fiat Legal Structure - What type of entity is it?

Foundation Funding - How will your structure be funded? Will it depend on fund raising, profit based ideas, donations, etc?

Project Funding - How will future projects be funded? What process will be included? What role, if any, does the community play in this?

Collaboration/Interaction - How do you see your foundation design interacting with projects like the coming Steem DAO?

Plan - Where are you in the planning phase of this foundation structure idea and what are your next steps?

Feedback/More Information - Where can the community get involved with your proposal of the structure of this foundation? Is there a specific discord server or account that they should be following?

Our goal is for this process to be as open as possible but also organized. We hope that by having the multi stage process it encourages collaboration, while also giving a chance for the community to give feedback on how individuals can improve upon their proposals.

This is the community's foundation, we just have to come together to build it first.

Thank You,

The Steem Alliance Working Group
@Ehiboss, @Eonwarped, @Inertia, @Jedigeiss, @Lemouth, @LLFarms, @Neoxian, @Reggaemuffin, @Shadowspub, @Travisung, @Twinner

What is the Steem Alliance?

The Steem Alliance is an idea of a community coming together to build a foundation with the collective goal of improving Steem as a whole.

The goal of this future foundation is to be the combined “face of the chain”, working alongside additional groups as well as Steemit Inc. to better the Steem platform together. With a main focus on helping to push Steem into the mainstream arena with focus on marketing, upkeep of, development of steemd, outreach and Steem events. Funding would need to be fundraising/profit based but also with large seed from Steemit Inc. itself.

The goal of this Working Group is to oversee the establishment of the future foundation while ensuring transparency, fairness and that the community's voice is heard. Once the foundation is established, Working Group is disbanded.

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