Steem Alliance Working Group Guidelines | On Chain Commitment


As a community elected group The Working Group felt it was important to establish a set of guidelines for ourselves to be held accountable to as well as to show commitment to the community itself. This post is just to publicly record the guidelines established for the Working group as well as a on chain commitment from each member of the group.

All working group members are required to commit to these guidelines on chain and adhere to them, while always keeping the main goal and principles in mind. If any member feels they can not commit to these guidelines or the job they were elected to do, we ask they step down.

Each of the following members are required to commit to these guidelines in the comments below by Friday, Feb 15th at 10am utc.

@Ehiboss, @Eonwarped, @Inertia, @Jedigeiss, @Lemouth, @LLFarms, @Neoxian, @Reggaemuffin, @Shadowspub, @Travisung, @Twinner

Working Group Guidelines

The Main Goal of this Working Group is to oversee the establishment of the future foundation while ensuring transparency, fairness and that the community's voice is heard. Once the foundation is established, the Working Group is disbanded.

This Includes:

  • Management of The Steem Alliance Discord Server

  • Updating The Steem Alliance Steem Account

  • Answering Questions on and off chain

  • Openly communicating with the public

  • Managing how structure proposals will be collected

  • Putting on fair elections for the proposals and possibly future foundation members

  • Overseeing that the entire process until foundation is established, and everything that comes along with that.

This also includes discussing how best to do all of this, in a fair way. Including deciding what sort of structure (if any) we give to those making the proposals, as well as the very important topic of how this vote will take place. This job also includes many housekeeping tasks, including discord upkeep, posting, helping to write these posts, coming up with guidelines for us and holding ourselves responsible to them.

This group will have to make decisions on situations that they never saw coming (as the first group found out often). It’s the responsibility of everyone in this group to not only be aware of what is currently happening, but what has happened so far so they can help to inform the public. Each member of The Working Group is expected to actively be participating in every step along the way.

The goal is NOT to be a representative of a specific group, push a specific agenda or to only show up occasionally to cast a vote.

Core Principles

  • Full Transparency
  • Fair Governance
  • Community Input
  • Forward Progress

Motions and Voting

Throughout our working process we will have multiple decisions made as a group based on voting. Every member of the working group gets a vote in all motions. In general the structure for this will be as follows:

  • Mover: Proposal for a motion to be considered / put up for vote.
  • Seconder: motion must have a seconder to proceed.
  • Discussion: open floor to discuss issues.
  • Call for vote by chair: To be done in the #working-group-motions channel. Passes with 6/11 votes (or 55%), except in the case of member replacement.

Any member can propose a motion in the working group channel, once seconded, the motion can be placed in the “motion channel” for vote. Each motion is expected to have open time for discussion.

Member removal/replacements needs a motion to pass with a greater number of votes: 75%.

Addressing Conflicts of Interest

We expect all working group member to be up-front enough to declare if they have a potential conflict of interest with any decision being deliberated by the working group. Failure to do so is grounds for removal and revisitation of the decisions in question.

Possible Conflict of Interest To Note Regarding Foundation Operations:

It is impossible to know up front what possible situations could arise that may have a conflict of interest. But one type is of note, relating to future Foundation operations.

If the working group is creating actual policy/processes for the foundation and the working group members are also planning on accepting nominations for the foundation, then there may be conflicts and the person should refrain from proposing, voting, or accepting the nomination. In general, we do not expect such processes to be common-- after all, the working group is establishing the process of choosing the proposal that will establish the foundation, rather than the foundation itself.

But, for example, if a working group member is a nominee for the foundation, and intends to accept that nomination, AND the working group is setting policy/processes for the new foundation, this is a situation that requires careful attention -- we would ask for example for this to be brought forth immediately, and likely we would ask that such members would not vote on their own proposals.

In summary, potential conflicts of interests should be brought up immediately. Everything should be up front. Then it should be discussed on a case-by-case basis, and handled accordingly with an appropriate motion. Each decision made will be done with the main goal of this working group, as well as principles in mind.

Roles and Expectations

Steem Alliance Discord Management

As admins of the Steem Alliance Discord, the working group will be responsible for maintaining order, setting up channels as necessary, and enforcing the Community Guidelines. We expect that every action taken towards this role is fully transparent, and follows principles outlined in the guidelines linked above.

Working Group is responsible for managing the server based on the Community Guidelines above. No use of admin rights for personal use will be tolerated.

Checking In… Task Management

We expect working group members to be on top of assigned tasks, and to participate in motions. The whole working group is responsible for deciding what tasks need to be done and actively be apart of moving things forward. There is no one person responsible for making a to do list for others to pick from, It is all of our responsibility.

**Each member is expected to actively be a part of the group in one way or another and to be apart of the whole process to help to achieve the goals at hand.

This includes:

  • Management of The Steem Alliance Discord Server
  • Updating The Steem Alliance Steem Account
  • Answering Questions on and off chain
  • Openly communicating with the public
  • Managing how structure proposals will be collected
  • Putting on fair elections for the proposals and possibly future foundation members
  • Overseeing that the entire process until foundation is established, and everything that comes along with that.

As well as discussions that go along with making the daily decisions for the group, and any other future tasks that come up.

Communications / Transparency

We are expected to have regular updates to the community to show progress and motions passed.

Translations have been brought up, and we have moved to place the responsibility for translation on the respective communities, and work out a system in which information can be disbursed in a timely manner. We have also moved to create a channel to link to known translations.

Open communication and transparency are extremely important to this project and each member is expected to ensure it continues.

These guidelines are liable to change as this project progresses, as many issues may arise along the way.

All working group members are required to commit to these guidelines on chain and adhere to them, while always keeping the main goal and principles in mind. If any member feels they can not commit to these guidelines or the job they were elected to do, we ask they step down.

Thank You,

The Steem Alliance Working Group
@Ehiboss, @Eonwarped, @Inertia, @Jedigeiss, @Lemouth, @LLFarms, @Neoxian, @Reggaemuffin, @Shadowspub, @Travisung, @Twinner

Please join us in The Steem Alliance Discord Server

What is the Steem Alliance?

The Steem Alliance is an idea of a community coming together to build a foundation with the collective goal of improving Steem as a whole.

The goal of this future foundation is to be the combined “face of the chain”, working alongside additional groups as well as Steemit Inc. to better the Steem platform together. With a main focus on helping to push Steem into the mainstream arena with focus on marketing, upkeep of, development of steemd, outreach and Steem events. Funding would need to be fundraising/profit based but also with large seed from Steemit Inc. itself.

The goal of this Working Group is to oversee the establishment of the future foundation while ensuring transparency, fairness and that the community's voice is heard. Once the foundation is established, Working Group is disbanded.

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