Steem Ship [ Steem Basic Income Giveaway ]

Most of us have played or at least heard of the game Battle Ship.
Well let me introduce you to Steem Ship.

Last night my Navy buddies thought it would be funny to tie me to the flag poll here onshore. Likely because of a prank I pulled on them earlier in the week. I was tied to that poll for hours and almost given up trying to free myself. Unknown to me at the time, A war had broken out and our fleet had set sail to join the rest of the Navy. In all the confusion my mates had forgotten to untie me from the flag poll.

Eventually I manage to get the ropes loose and free myself. Livid, I stroll down to the docks and all our ships are gone. My anger only intensifies. I noticed they left the small Steem Ship behind that we found floating at sea. Luckily for me it still worked and I set sail.

I see some ships at a distance and as I approach them I realize, that's not my fleet. I am directly behind the enemy and need to pass them to join my fleet. Hopefully the enemy don't see me as I doubt my ship can handle even one hit. Shit, they noticed me and begin to fire. Luckily my ship is so small they miss.

Will I make it to my fleet or will you sink my Steem Ship ?


How To Play

We use the same rules as the traditional Battle Ship game. Use the grid above to pick where you want your shot to land. My ship is only tiny and I only have one. If you hit my ship, it will sink and you win one share of @steembasicincome One random entry will also get a share, so even if you don't sink my ship you still have a chance to win a free share.


  • Upvote this post
  • You can fire one free shot a day at my ship
  • You can earn an extra shot for a resteem

Example On How To Play
@steembasicincome fires a shot via picking the letter A and number 1 and entering them via the comment section. My ship is not located on A-1 so @rentmoney will then type Miss under your entry. If you pick the right grid number I will then type hit under your comment and award you one share of @steembasicincome. I will then also award another share to a random contestant who has participated. The shares will be paid out once this post reaches the seven day payout. So even if my ship has already been sunk you can still upvote this topic and be entered into the random prize draw.


Pay attention to the other entries to make sure you don't pick a grid number that was already chosen as there is no do overs in war ! If you like this game check out my game show contest by clicking here.

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