Sam's Sponsored Tweet for $2 ( SBD )

 I will post 5 tweets composed of anything you would like to my account  @Sam_Hamou  35162+ followers.
The provided text (your tweet) must be within 140 characters or less.
If you would like to include your @Username in the tweet that is OK but must fit in the 140 character limit.
Emojis are welcome
All CAPS are welcome
Hashtags are welcome
Links are welcome
Pictures are welcome

I can not guarantee that I will tweet your tweet if it goes against any or all of my limitations.

Limitations - What the user will and will not tweet about.
Limitations - What the user will and will not tweet about.
I will not tweet anything that I find to be inappropriate or illegal.
I will not tweet anything that I believe would be highly offensive to my followers. 

3 columns
2 columns
1 column