Next Steem Target: EBay: Post Your Bids

In keeping with my ongoing theme of promoting the steem blockchain and making people aware of what is going on as opposed to whining and complaining, I found this little nugget for everyone. Actually, it was not a hard find since it was on the hot page but you get my point.

Everyday there is more reason to be bullish on steem. Yes the price is not doing anything yet that means nothing. In the crypto world, development on the blockchain needs to reach a point where it entices the speculators to enter the fray. This is a fact people miss. There has to be something cool that garners attention and starts people's imagination going. I believe some of the apps that we are seeing are going to do exactly that.

Ebay is the well known auction site where people put up things they want to sell which allows other people to bid on them. The auction concept is a very traditional model, one that was taken online by Ebay and now is a company worth $37B. Being first to market obvious has its advantages since EBay has operated basically without competition in the bidding arena for the last 15 years. Unlike Amazon which is a site that sells stuff, EBay has enabled people to set up entire businesses around buying and selling on their platform.

So what does this all have to do with steem? Well I would like to introduce you to Steembay.

Steembay is the latest app to come out on this blockchain. It is a service that is designed to add value to the steem currency. While most cryptocurrencies operate as speculative assets which people accumulate for the potential increase, Steembay is seeking to help turn steem into money. Now, with this FREE service, people can buy and sell stuff on an auction basis similar to EBay.

I would like you to consider how revolutionary this might be. At present, one earns steem which offers two choices: keep it all in steem power to increase one's power on here OR turn it into another cryptocurrency like BTC before exchanging it for USD (or Euro). Now, because of this new app, one can earn steem, buy stuff, and never have to convert out of steem. We suddenly have a utility for the currency in the form of money.

The full announcement post is located here:


I urge everyone to go read this article to get a better grasp on what this service is. If people on steem are like the general public, most people have a garage full of stuff that they could post on here. What better way to leverage your old junk than to turn it into steem, especially while the price is still low.

And remember, one person's junk is another's treasure.

As our resident elliott wave analyst @haejin says, KABOOM.

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Picture by google images

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