SteemBnB News: More places in USA, Costa Rica and Spain for steemians!

Hello friends,

SteemBnB is growing up!

I am happy for the great welcome that this idea has got … Support and ideas are coming from everywhere!

Soon I will post some news, but for now, for more details about rent a room with steems here is the original post.

There are already four hosts who offer their rooms / houses in exchange for steems, and soon there will be more ...

@skynyc - New Orleans, USA.



@gardenofeden - Arlington, Texas, USA.

Check it! : @gardenofeden/we-offer-our-charming-handbuilt-cob-cottage-in-our-ecovillage-through-steembnb-for-steem--1500875657-898461

@thearcanebear - Dominical, Costa Rica.

Check it! : @thearcanebear/steembnb-my-beautiful-home-in-costa-rica-for-steem

@chicosonico - Barcelona, Spain.

Photo source: @mrs.steemit who was the First SteemBnB guest! Check her post about it: @mrs.steemit/being-the-first-steembnb-guest-bcn-review

Check it! : @chicosonico/first-room-at-steem-bnb-primera-habitacion-steem-bnb-barcelona

For futher information, details, prices, conditions, please contact the hosts.

You can also see the list of rooms by cities in the respective channels in the Discord SteemBnB Chat:

Do you know someone who'd be interested in becoming a SteemBnB host OR guest? 

For further details check out "SteemBnb" ! Support and participation is appreciated.  

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