Two Weeks To Go - More Campers Please!

Putting off writing a list of procrastination techniques that I use.

A fortnight tomorrow, we'll all be gathering in Birmingham! Time to really get ready!

Where We're At

We have 11 people booked on Eventbrite. And 7 people have paid, either through STEEM/SBD or the paypal pool We've also had a generous and anonymous donation of £100 to help support us, which I've converted into STEEM.

We've all, I'm sure, been waiting for the STEEM/SBD prices to recover, so I completely understand people waiting to pay up. Right now STEEM and SBD are both at $1.92 or £1.38

At the moment we have:
£22.00 in the paypal pool,
83.128 STEEM = £114.92
19.195 SBD = £26.53

So that's a total of £163.45 towards the minimum budget of £500, that's nearly a third of the way there!

How You Can Help

So the challenges are, to get more people committed to come along and paid up and to encourage those who can't come along but want to support us to make some small donations.

If you're coming, please bite the bullet and put some money in the pot. The suggested minimum is £10 ($13.90), which translates at today's prices to 7.24 STEEM/SBD each. This isn't just to help me sleep more easily, when other people see your commitment they're encouraged to come along too.

If you can't come, please show your support for us by sending over some STEEM or SBD no matter how little.

Either way, tell all your friends. If you know of someone in or near the UK who you're sure would like to come but hasn't seen this yet, please point them in our direction. If you haven't seen anything recently about SteemCampUK in your favourite Discord channel, please post a reminder. And please consider writing a post on "Why I'm going to SteemCampUK" or "Why I'd totally go to SteemCampUK if I lived in the UK" or "Why I wouldn't be seen dead at SteemCampUK" etc. and donating the liquid rewards to us.

Just to reiterate, SteemCampUK is going ahead no matter what, I have committed to underwriting the costs in the event that we don't raise enough, but y'know, the sun's coming out and I'd rather spend it on ice-cream.

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