SURVIVING THE APOCALYPSE: Basic Instructions And Tips


"I want you to prepare" - Lord RayEl World Address

The world and the saints have been given 7 years advanced warning to prepare for what is about to come upon this planet. The events that are about to wipe out the majority of the population on this planet is about to come to pass. We have less than 2 days before the end of the Jubilee year and then the next one we have to look forward to is Lord RayEl's 50th Birthday or in otherwords the Lord's Jubilee year. We have just over a month before the 70 weeks of Daniels prophecy is fulfilled. However after Friday at sundown it is game on... we do not know WHEN things will go nuclear. Believe me events can escalate to the point of no return so rapidly that it might boggle one's mind.

I cannot remain silent, I will not remain silent when God is speaking to me and through me. I MUST deliver this live saving message. Many might hate me for this, but this message is because I truly love each and every single one of you and I have your BEST interests at heart. Prophets endure some of the most intense backlash of anyone else, even from their own people, So it is written in scripture.

WISDOM SPEAKS! Now is the time to funnel every resource you have into preparing for what is coming, because if it goes nuclear we MAY NOT get picked up right away... but rest assured we will be CUT OFF from normal everyday resourses like food and most importantly is water. The body can survive a long time without food but it cannot survive without water. We could be days away, I do not know, All I have been shown is the timing of everything... but I would bet everything that something will happen on passover.

When Noah was going to be saved from the Flood, He was given ample warning and given instructions on how to survive. There is a reason that the Lord said to head to the mountains when we see Nemesis.

Now is not the time to be thinking about anything other than surviving what is coming long enough to get picked up... because the scriptures do say that some will be left to endure more testing... Now is the time to make sure you are prepared as best you can with what you NEED to survive. You do not need to be thinking about comfort, luxury, or that new purse (example only). Scriptures says that what is coming scares even the Angels and the saints... what is coming is closer than you can possibly imagine. You cannot eat the new designer pair of shoes or that new piece of furniture or new phone.. whatever the case is.

God is sounding the alarm and he is speaking.. no.. he is screaming through many different people that the time is now. Yes, the Jews were fed in the Desert... but there is a reason that God and the Lord said to PREPARE. Cause there may come a time when you will be sitting there and wishing you could trade everything you possess for a single slice of bread or cup of water.

There is no ego, no pride, only GOD'S WARNING. Please heed this warning, time is running out, what we do now determines our place in the New Kingdom, Our decisions
We must rely on what GOD wants us to do, not what WE want to do. Does the Lord want us to buy things we don't need or buy things that are absolutely essential to our survival. This is not a joke, this is not a game, this is REAL and as I have stated before people are not prepared for what is coming... it has not truly sunk in yet that the world is about to get "Royally Fucked".

I love you all, I want you to know that I have your best interests at heart. You may not understand right now, but the Lord was speaking to us and telling us this all along. Why do you think he made so many parables? Such as the one about the maidens who came for the wedding supper... half brought extra oil with them and the others did not and had to go back to town to get more? He is speaking about being prepared... So we must let go and follow his supreme wisdom!

I am not speaking of my own accord but as the Spirit is directing me. This has been placed on my heart so must tell you all this as a matter of urgency. Prepare in every way you can. We are not called to live in luxury but to do service and be wise... On a personal note, I have everything I NEED... I only care about food and water aka provisions right now, nothing else matters to me.

Survival Tip Numero Uno: Water, Water, Water... The body cannot survive without water. So when you are preparing for how much water you need for a MINUMUM of 40 days.

MATH, some people might hate it (Like me) but it is necessary for proper preparation.

FIRST, You need to calculate how much the average person needs for a single days worth of water consumption then multiply that by a MINIMUM of 40 days. THEN multiply THAT number by how many is in your household. That is your base number for your drinking part.

Now here is the key, Your drinking water is not the ONLY water you need to factor in here... You need to factor in your food storage supplies... if you have dried dehydrated foods like beans and rice.. then you need to further calculate how much water you will need to cook those survival supplies OTHERWISE you will rapidly deplete your drinking water.

For a household of 4, you will need roughly 168 gallons of pure drinking water for 40 days IF my math is correct. A household of 8 would probably be 336 gallons.... and 12 people 504 gallons... This is averaging 1 gallon of water per person per day, and that is JUST drinking water.. that is not water to cook with... If you are not dealing with BULK storage and dealing with 5 Gallon bottles... that is roughly 8 (5 gallon) bottles PER person

To factor in cooking water, you would need to do much more complicated math... How many cups or pounds of rice, beans, noodles etc you have and then how much water to cook all of that. Such as Rice is 2 to 1... so 1 cup of rice requires 2 cups of water.

Things to consider when factoring in water consumption.


If you do this VERY BASIC first step properly then you are better prepared than 99% of the population.

The SECOND thing you must do that is absolutely crucial to your survival is DO NOT WAIT!!!! You must do this NOW!!! The money you are storing in your wallet will be worthless soon, it will effectively be only good for toilet paper. When the war happens you will NOT be able to go to the store and buy these things. You MUST be prepared to see TOTAL ANARCHY. Looting will be the FIRST thing that happens. Stores will become EMPTY within hours of war breaking out. Money will be worthless and it will NOT be "Business as usual". Commerce will come to a complete standstill. Goods will not be delivered to stores. There will be murders in streets and people will KILL each other over the few remaining resources.

If you are just now starting to prepare... you will be hardpressed to come up with the supplies you need. The "doomsday preppers" will have a leg up on you, so you must do all you can right now, if you can I would suggest buying several 55-gallon drums and filling them to the brim with water and sealing them to prevent contamination.

(This picture was Mexico right after a small price increase in Gas.... Imagine the apocalypse)

THIRD, when considering how to cook your meals you must remember that more than likely all forms of normal utilities will become null and void effectively reverting society back about 200 years. So ELECTRICITY IS OUT! That Means NO electric stoves. The best thing you can do for yourself and your family is PROPANE. I grew up using propane and It was a lifesaver whenever our power went out. We went right on with our day unhindered by the power outage. This will make your headaches disappear! The important thing to remember is to keep the tanks stored in a well ventilated area. Propane heat is INSTANT so do NOT rely on the "numbers" on the dial... you must look at the flame itself.. because sometimes not all regulators work.... so you might think you are cooking on medium but the flame is still stuck on high.

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FOURTH, FISHING, that is right. Remember the old saying "give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime" well this is absolutely true. So invest in a net at the BARE MINIMUM, but what would be preperable is a fishing pole, line, hooks, sinkers, Flaying knife and a net to catch them. Bait is not so much a necessity as Fish will eat almost anything. One bait that was outlawed is CORN... Fish love Corn for some reason. Another trick is to catch a small fish, flay it and use it as bait. Fish eat other fish so this is nothing new to them and will probably land you a big fish to feed your family.

FIFTH, Learn the lost secrets of your great grandfathers and grandmothers. Today, doctors want you to buy their sorcery medicine but 150+ years ago, the people used the plants and herbs of the land as natural cures, remedies and painkillers. I used to get what was called "Miners lettuce" which is very good and nutricional, we used to go pick it by our house all the time and use it for our salads. Knowledge like this will become invaluable to you in the near future.

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Have a Blessed Day

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