SteemChurch: ANCHORING YOUR PRESENCE [Psalm 51.11]

Do not throw me out in front of you,
And do not take away from me your holy Spirit.
Psalm 51:11

Are we lovers only of blessings?

Religion teaches us to seek the blessings of God, but the Bible wants to teach us a little more than that, it will teach us to love and seek presence. More than the blessing must be the Presence.

It is that there could be someone who loves the blessing but does not want the Presence, who wants to see the hand of God but does not want to hear the presence of God; This is like those who want to see the grace of God but without hearing his voice that calls us.

Losing whatever it is, except your Presence.

This is what David understands in this psalm:

He is asking if it is possible for him to take away anything but his presence. Sometimes we are anguished by the loss of loved ones, of patrimonies and suffer when we see how we get away from those things.

But what is it that we do not want to lose in this life?

What is it that would make us really sad?

David, above what he has lived and obtained, does not want to lose this Presence of God. In all the psalms we will find many things said by David but we will never find saying: "Do not take me out of the palace, or do not take away my kingdom" He only cared about not losing the presence of God.


We did not have anything before receiving his Presence

When we understand the true source of our existence, we will arrive at the fundamental point that what really counts is only the Presence of God. And David had nothing before he became king, he did not even have the support of his family, nor did Samuel see him, he was despised. Nobody would have thought that the youngest had been chosen by God, is that when nobody sees God if he had already set his sights on the

Many times the church disappoints us, or no one puts interest in us and I assure you that this happens very often friends, do not support us and we are discouraged by this, but David teaches that although everyone looked at him less God if he puts his gaze and that's all we need.

What does it matter if they do not consider us a candidate to be a king

that the prophet or our pastor does not choose us, that God chooses us this is what is really worth that our Lord is the one who sets his sights on us.


Do you really love him?

Many claim to love the Presence of God but do not love the voice of God.

Is that now that we are living now a spiritual romanticism is lived, but it does not happen to be something superficial and without consistency and seriousness, as it is lived in society today, they see each other one day and they love each other and they see each other and They already hate each other.

understand something, The mentality of seeing love so superficial affects our relationship with God, many fall in love with God so superficially in that they say they love you but when they ask for something they can not. The love of God is not the fruit of what the spiritual songs of today reflect.

One day our years will pass and we will be before him and there will be nobody but him, who called me and chose me and the key is that in this human environment we know how to differentiate that there is a divine call that is telling us to love their presence and by loving his presence then we receive the blessing.

Why does David not want to lose the Presence?

Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed the young man in the presence of his brothers. Then the Spirit of the Lord came with power over David, and from that day he was with him.

1 Samuel 16,13

David found in that divine support the root of all his blessing. Here David has nothing, but soon this Presence of God will take him very far, and David knows this very well because from that day the Lord was with him. When the family or the church lets us down, let's stop crying, because if God calls us, we should rise up and live the call. If the church does not treat us as we expect or we do not see the response we want from our family, let us continue to love the presence of God because that is the source of life.

Let us not come to his presence to seek miracles and blessings but open our hearts and surrender in his presence. God does not want to give us only blessings but to fill us with his fullness.

Before we mourn for things we have lost or for things we long for, we cry for the presence of God because he can give us back his presence no matter the distance.


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