Cryptonoia - The Mild Anxiety Generated By Excessive Involvement With Cryptocurrencies

As life evolves, so does language. New words are invented to define and express new types of activities, most of them unconceivable and unexplainable 10 or 20 years ago.

For instance, this morning, when I was checking the stats of my (small, but astute, hopefully) crypto holdings, I realized I'm in a specific state of mind. It wasn't fatigue (I was literally waking up), it wasn't sadness (no specific reason for that) and it wasn't tension either.

But it was a combination of all of these. A small anxiety, combined with a little bit of weariness and a small, but perceivable tension. Anxiety, specifically, was present in its both forms: positive anxiety (looking forward to see how my good holdings performed) and negative anxiety (fearing a depreciation of my bad holdings).

So here I am, coining this term: cryptonoia. Which comes from a combination of "crypto" (colloquially used for cryptocurrency) and noos (greek for mind). And which tries to define the specific state of preoccupation with your cryptocurrency-related activities: checking stats, thinking if it's a good moment to sell or buy, enjoying the profits or grieving over losses.

If you think this is close to paranoia, you're not far. Paranoia literally means "mind led astray" - paras (distraught) and noos (mind).

But it's also close to metanoia, which means "a transformative experience" - meta (beyond) and noos (mind).

So, how often do you have cryptonoia? How does it manifest in your life? It's a Bitcoin induced cryptonoia? Or just a mild, Steem generated one? Or maybe you're having a smart contract induced cryptonoia because of all your Ethereum holdings?

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

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Beneficiaries: @dragosroua, @raluca,

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