Las Vegas Indoor Skydiving At The Steem Creators Conference (lots of photos and a little photo education)

After hours at the Las Vegas Steem Creators Conference was nonstop fun! On Saturday, a group of us went with @ogc to Vegas Indoor Skyding for some education in the art of air. We all had a great time but Carly (@ogc) definitely stole the show. When she hopped in and started bouncing around the room like a ninja, my jaw dropped. Carly had worked there for about 12 years so she knew what she was doing, and it showed. It made for some great photos!

There was another group of steemian skydivers but I was in that group so I didn't get any photos. When I see those photos posted, I'll share them... I have never actually skydived from a plane and I don't think I'm the kind of person that ever will but this room with the giant fan at the bottom was a great way to get that feeling of "floating" in air for someone like me. SO MUCH FUN! Thank you again @ogc for getting us out for that little field trip.

These photos were a bit challenging because I didn't want to use my flash unit while people were concentrating on doing something intense and new to them. The light was a bit low, and the action was fast so I used a very high ISO of either 6400 or 12800. This makes for a very light sensitive image sensor but the trade-off, as you can see, is lots of digital noise (the staticy or grainy look). The lens aperture was wide open at f4 in order to let in as much light as possible. The shutter speed was 1/160 second, about the slowest I felt I could get away with in this fast action scene. The Canon 5dsr camera was handheld, the lens was a 24-105mm with the lens image stabilization turned on. If I were to do it again, I would probably ask @ogc if she minded if I used the flash while photographing her awesome aerobatics. The flash would have given better light and helped freeze the action while using a lower ISO so the image would be better quality with less digital noise.

_Q1A1649.jpg@ogc impressing the crowd.

_Q1A1843.jpgHaha! Nice @ogc.


_Q1A1563.jpg@daveonarrival, the look on his face says it all!


_Q1A1675.jpg@sendit is no stranger to extreme sports, but even he was obviously having a great time. Thanks again @sendit for coming down from Tahoe too. We need to start that Steemit Meetup we talked about!

_Q1A1802.jpgWhen I first saw this photo as it loaded to my computer I was like "Wait what? Who was wearing a ski mask???" Nope, it was @virtualgrowth's big beard getting pressed flat against his face, haha! I think there's a smile under there somewhere.

_Q1A1829.jpgSurprise! @hypnopreneur was the only one of us noobs who got flipped over by our instructor. I think it surprised us all, especially @hypnopreneur, haha!

_Q1A1790.jpgSteemians are always hard at work creating content, even when they are playing. Be sure to check out the tag #steemcreators for more fun photos, video, and posts from the Steem Creators Conference.

If you're ever in Las Vegas, I would highly recommend taking a little trip away from the strip and check out Vegas Indoor Skydiving!!!

Thank you for looking and reading!

Scott Thompson
Scott Shots Photography

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