Roadmap for SteemData 2.0 ∙ Crowdfunding


Last week I launched a preview of SteemData, and the response, both public and private has been fantastic.

Based on your feedback, I've created a roadmap for SteemData 2.0.

Main Features


One of the major drawbacks of the current design is that the database is lagging behind blockchain state. While this is sufficient for a large array of applications, it is not optimal for certain kinds of user facing apps that rely on fresh data.

A major re-design to an event based model is required, so that when new blocks become available, all relevant parts of the database get updated in near-real-time.

Native Data Types

A vast majority of the data in the current version is under-typed. This makes it hard for people to make good queries, and often requires additional post-processing to get the results we're interested in. SteemData 2.0 needs to address these issues.


The indexes need to be studied and optimized to fit real world usage patterns. Furthermore, it would be nice to have relationships between objects in different collections.


It takes more than a week to re-create (sync) the database from scratch. This is why SteemData needs to implement automatic Amazon S3 snapshots, so that in the event of catastrophic failure, the service can be brought back to life with minimum downtime.

Open Source

SteemData is written in Python and uses Docker services for deployment/orchestration.
The software stack needs to be refactored, documented and made available so that anyone can deploy their own version of SteemData for personal use.

Furthermore, reference implementations for Python and JavaScript clients as well as helpers utilities should be created.

The license will be MIT, as it is highly permissive and basically grants users the power to do whatever they like. This will hopefully also help developers create support for different databases (SQL, Firebase, etc).

More Features

  • Proper Integration of Post Comments
  • Restructure Operations
  • Support for HF 16.1 and beyond
  • Historic Price Feeds
  • Steemle like charts on

Target shipping date: March 1st 2017


Steem community has proven that a donation model can work as Busy raised close to $60,000 for the awesome work they're doing. This is awesome.

The main goal for SteemData is help developers create new and interesting applications for the STEEM ecosystem. I believe that the ecosystem will play an important role in Steem's future success, and I would love to contribute in my humble little way.


To fund the development of SteemData 2.0 I am looking to raise $5,000 in STEEM or SBD.

The donations should be sent to @steemdata, and the list of friendly donors will be published and updated here, as well as in future announcements.

Jan 22nd: We have raised $2,600 of the $5,000 goal so far.

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