Steemify is LIVE. Get it in the App Store now for Free!


Steemify is LIVE. Get it in the App Store now for Free!

This app will inform you about ANYTHING happening on your STEEM account(s) or the accounts of others.

Votes, new posts, mentions, replies, new followers, power downs and more! All pushed to your phone with ease and stored in a convenient list for later review.

You can add as many Steemians as you like!

The app will only require a Steemians Username. No keys.


Key Features

mentions.png #Mentions

With this app, you will never miss another mention of your @username ever again. Every time someone mentions your username anywhere, you will get a push notification right on your phone.

replies.png #Comments

No need to be logged into a browser or refresh all the time to check if anyone has commented on your most epic post. You'll get a push notification right on your phone when someone makes a comment.

transfers.png #Transfers

Waiting on that boatload of steem to arrive in your wallet? We got you covered. The minute you receive that liquid Steem or SBD in your account, you'll be notified. No more need to refresh the wallet page anymore.

upvote.png #Votes

Of course, you want to know how your post is doing ! See upvotes and the weight with which they've been given right away.

users.png #Multiple-User-accounts

You can add as many accounts as you wish and receive notifications for all of them. Got multiple accounts of your own? sure. Want to know if that friend has posted yet? ping. Get notified of any action of any account that might hold interest to you.

powerdown.png #Powercycle

Get an instant notification of any powerUP or powerDOWN on your account(s). You'll be the first to know if your account had been compromised. You won't get an early warning system faster than this.

secure.png #Secure

There is no need at all to worry if either we or anyone that might hack your phone would get a hold of your keys since we don't need your private posting or active keys. Because of this, our app is the most secure of them all.

(You can log in using the in-app browser though to reply to comments, this is just as secure as using safari.)


Thank you for your support. We hope you will enjoy our app as much as we do and that it will greatly enhance your experience on the Steem blockchain.

We hereby would also like to inform you that we are a witness for the Steem blockchain and would appreciate a vote if you think we deserve it!

Have a great day and enjoy the app!

Kind regards,

ps. Special word of thanks to our Beta testers!

Without all these people willing to test our app and providing valuable feedback, we could not have done it.

We can’t thank you enough!

For some testers, we don’t know their STEEM username, but here are the ones we do know (and should get a nice notification via Steemify now):

@heimindanger | @felander | @photolander | @pewuf | @h2opro | @dayleeo | @dudutaulois | @heroic15397 | @jeffjagoe | @evildido | @shortcut | @juanmiguelsalas | @bellringermusic | @clio | @michaelzeitgeist | @mike50 | @cryptonik | @oroger | @gikitiki | @teamhumble | @roxane | @rubenalexander | @ongoingwow | @cryptocowgirl |
@aerithe77 | @progressivechef | @rival | @coquiunlimited | @markangeltrueman |

If you support us please vote here for @blockbrothers
Be sure to check that it says blockbrothers below the manual voting field.
Only press 'VOTE’, the green round button will cancel your vote.

Makers of Steemify. The dedicated notification app for anything happening on the Steem blockchain

Get in touch: |

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